Widespread Blackouts Possible as Climate Change Stresses Nation's Infrastructure

June 30, 2022
With the effects of climate change continuing to spread and worsen throughout the nation, mass power outages are predicted to ravage over half the United States this coming summer.
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Ergonomics and Exercise: Getting Ahead of the Game

June 28, 2022
While one may not think of gaming as a particularly physical activity, there are quite a few injuries and ailments that can arise from spending too long behind a screen. From wrist issues like Carpal tunnel and Tendonitis to eye strain, there are plenty of things to look out for while enjoying casual or competitive video gameplay.
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Innovation in Construction: Finding New Methods of Sustainability

June 27, 2022
The construction industry is a dynamic industry that builds the foundation of our communities, quite literally.
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National Safety Month: An Industry Veteran's Words of Wisdom

June 24, 2022
As National Safety Month winds down, Capitol Technology University's professor of practice and Chair of Safety Programs Darin Dillow offers words of advice about the evolving occupational health and safety industry he has been a part of for the last 20+ years.
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5 Inspiring Women to Watch on International Women in Engineering Day

June 23, 2022
June 23rd marks International Women in Engineering Day, and we've compiled a list of powerful and inspiring women in various areas of the industry to show what female leaders in STEM are capable of. Although engineering remains a male-dominated industry, we hope that elevating the voices and accomplishments of successful women like these can help inspire more female engineers in the future.
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Inspiring LGBTQ+ Figures in STEM | Pride Month 2022

June 21, 2022
This Pride Month, we celebrate a handful of individuals who have made their mark on the STEM community despite facing obstacles and struggles relating to their identity or sexuality. The scientists in these stories have overcome personal battles in order to help evolve the world of science and technology for all.
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The Drones We’re Looking For

June 16, 2022
June is National Safety Month, a time to be aware of the critical safety precautions that must be taken in all working environments, and to strive to create the best conditions for employees in every field, especially the field of construction management. This can be achieved through the use of unmanned drones.
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Keeping It Real: Augmented Versus Virtual Reality

June 13, 2022
If you struggle to understand the difference between augmented and virtual reality, here’s a hint: augmented reality (AR) is the “real” one.
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Master of Science (MS) in Intelligence and Global Security

ALPHA Teaser Series #5: Day 1 & 2 Build Status

The ALPHA Observatory continues to make excellent progress towards first light. On Monday, June 6, ALPHA’s observatory system arrived on campus.

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