The (good) Monsters Inside You

July 28, 2022
Small robots capable of moving around inside the human body have been developed for some time, and are already in use in multiple capacities. They can deliver some medications and assist in photographing deep recesses of the body, among other tasks. But improvements are needed if they are ever to realize their promise.
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Is Tech Employment Drying Up?

July 26, 2022
Tech is a challenging, demanding career. But, it has its compensations. Tech careers are intellectually rewarding, with constant opportunities to learn new skills. Tech jobs can also be deeply satisfying, offering employees a chance to solve real-world problems and make an impact. And, let’s get real–tech employment is known to be one of the most reliable, predictable sources of well-paid and long-term career opportunities. Serious students mapping their futures often begin and end at the STEM professions–why look any further, when the science and technology fields offer so many lucrative possibilities? Perhaps this is why recent news of tech layoffs and hiring slowdowns have thrown such a chill on the industry. Undergrads and grads alike are wondering: did I choose wrong? Is it too late to correct course? What do I do now?
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Dr. Hasna Banu

Dr. Hasna Banu

Adjunct Professor

Mathematics Read Bio
Dr. Karim Chichakly

Dr. Karim Chichakly

Adjunct Professor

isee systems, inc. Computer Science Read Bio

Major Problems for Microchips

July 25, 2022
The convenience of the modern world largely relies on the small technologies that we never even see—computer chips being one of the prime conductors in devices including cell phones, cars, and medical equipment. Unfortunately, like many products made scarce by the Covid-19 pandemic, computer chips are facing a major shortage, and manufacturers are desperate to find a solution.
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Dr. Jeffrey Pullen

Dr. Jeffrey D. Pullen

Adjunct Professor

US Department of Justice Business Read Bio

Doctor of Education (EdD) in Educational Data Analytics

Starlink vs. 5G: The Internet Space Race

July 18, 2022
As modern civilization continues to demand stronger, faster, more powerful internet service, companies are racing to be the most attractive option. Two of the most dominant providers in the race are currently battling it out, apparently physically unable to share the market.
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Introducing the new ALPHA Observatory at Capitol Tech!

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Patience, Patience... Biobatteries Really ARE the Future

July 13, 2022
Biobatteries–batteries based on biological processes–have been around for over a decade. So why can’t you run your flashlight on them yet? Although exciting in concept, the first generation of biobatteries lacked realistic application. Generally based on glucose metabolism, early biobatteries measured energy generation “success” in minutes–or less.
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