Tinkerer Thinkerer? Sound like someone you know?
Some people can’t leave it alone out of the box. They know it can be made better. Bump into a problem? No problem. They come into this world wondering:
Why wasn’t this ever invented?
Why did they design it this way?
What would happen with this little tweak?
What if...?
Filled with an innate desire to create, collaborate and contribute, they seek out places where they’re surrounded with like-minded peers — people who get lost late into the night working on projects, solving problems and innovating for tomorrow.
They thrive at Capitol. Here, they feed off each other’s’ ideas, tools and skillsets. They hack new devices out of off-the-shelf ones, and utilize every tool they can lay their hands on – 3D printing, collaborative platforms like GitHub and Wevolver, microcomputers like Raspberry Pi and Arduino – to push boundaries and make their marks.
Cap Tech U Badge for DEF CON 31
Student Projects