Work hard. Play hard.
Studying hard often leaves students hungry for some social interaction. Here at Capitol, you'll be able to get involved and connected right don't have to feel like a little fish in a big pond.
There's a ton of things to do on campus: paint nights, barbecues, board game nights, haunted houses, overnight lock-ins, Zombie Week, outdoor games and fire pits, campus wide team competitions, movies, and so much more. So don't be afraid to get involved and have fun - you've earned it!
Don't see a club that suits your interests? Start one yourself! It's easy - get five friends who are interested in starting the organization. Then, contact the Student Life office at Capitol Tech to discuss your idea and find faculty/staff advisors.

Clubs and Organizations
For a complete list of clubs and organizations, or for more information about any of our club offerings, please contact the Student Life office at Capitol Tech.
Competitive Activities

Honor Societies