Practical Understanding of OSINT Practices and Tools

The Power of Concrete in Post-9/11 Construction

September 11, 2022
Skyscraper design has evolved over the decades, but until the World Trade Center (WTC) collapse, the trend had been toward the use of lighter, airier materials to construct our towers in the sky. Tenants and therefore building owners preferred glass skins and open floorplans, with an emphasis on environmental friendliness. Lightweight, high-tech fireproofing materials protected critical support elements.
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Post-Baccalaureate in Aerospace Accident Investigation and Fault Analysis

Detecting Contaminants in Drinking Water and Source Water During a Hazardous Spill

September 8, 2022
The following is a guest blog by Capitol Tech doctoral graduate Jegnaw G Essatu, who breaks down the Jackson Water Crisis from a Critical Infrastructure point of view and discusses the methods in which contaminants are detected and r
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ALPHA: From Breaking Ground to Breaking Records

This year is certainly turning out to be an exciting one for the space industry.

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Recover from the Summer Slump with these unique tips

September 6, 2022
Summer’s over! At least your summer has concluded. Officially the season does not end until September 22, but once you are back in school or college, it’s game over. Back to the routine for you! The more quickly you can segue back into the daily grind, the easier you will find adjustment. Consider these tips for an easier transition:
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Dr. Ward and Dr. Butler: From Battlefields to Cyberspace

As part of our fundraising campaign for the David Ward Memorial Bench and Scholarship, Dr. William Butler, a dear friend of Dr. Ward and a prominent figure in Capitol's cyber history (who now serves as Capitol's VP of Academic Affairs), has written the following account of the wonderful years the two spent knowing each other. 

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2024 STEM Challenge | Friday, April 5, 2024

STEM Events