What makes Capitol unique?
From the student-made video game console, to the eight centers of excellence and labs; our culture of innovation is deeply ingrained into all aspects of the Capitol Technology experience. Our programs integrate scientific theory with hands-on experience. Undergraduate students gain practical knowledge—so they graduate job-ready—plus they develop an enhanced sense of self and society through liberal arts courses.
Our programs are designed to support our mission:
To educate individuals for professional opportunities in engineering, computer and information sciences, and business. We provide relevant learning experiences that lead to success in the evolving global community.

What is the campus like?
The 52-acre campus, located in Laurel, Maryland, is centered in one of America’s most vibrant technology corridors between Baltimore, MD and Washington, DC. This suburban campus consists of sleek, modern buildings—the academic halls are connected by glass-enclosed pedestrian walkways—plus students enjoy free parking.
Instead of dorms, we offer students fully furnished apartments within Innovator's Hall. Apartment styles vary, but each apartment is single sex and offers a combined living, dining, and kitchen area. Each apartment has at least one bathroom with no more than four students to one bath.
When it’s time for research, students can access all the materials in The John G. and Beverly A. Puente Library which specializes in materials that support the technical and general studies curriculum of the University, plus they can use the Maryland Digital Library and other research databases.

How do students have fun?
Unwind outside of class by visiting the Student Center—with ping pong, pool tables, a fitness center and the MegaByte Café—or attend the barbecues, coffee houses, casino nights, spring fling and movie nights the school organizes. Students can participate in a variety of clubs: IEEE, National Society of Black Engineers, Capitol Balloon Experiment Club, Radio Club, the Society of Women Engineers and several honor societies.
In addition, in our labs students can control virtual satellites with actual spacecraft software, take part in cybersecurity challenges and competitions and much more.

What are we doing to help the environment?
Capitol Technology University is committed to environmental sustainability, management, and stewardship, and is a proud member of the Maryland Green Registry. The university has supported the state in moving toward a sustainable Maryland by:
- Printing on paper containing 50% recycled content, including 15% post-consumer waste.
- Providing single stream recycling throughout the campus, including both residence halls and administrative buildings.
- Communicating electronically via our monthly e-newsletter, the Capitol Connector, and making our university catalog available online.
- Conserving energy through the BGE Smart Energy Savers Program.
- Utilizing teleconferencing technology and our synchronous Capitol Live and asynchronous Capitol Online platforms to connect with our long-distance students and faculty members.