Happy Birthday, Sally Ride!

May 26, 2022
May 26th marks what would be Sally Ride’s 71st birthday. As the first American female and youngest American to fly amongst the stars, Ride was a true pioneer in space travel.
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Capitol Students Ready to RockOn!

Thank you to Professor Marcel Mabson for providing this detailed writeup of the RockOn project! Please enjoy Professor Mabson's scientific article that explains the process of this exciting student endeavor at Capitol.

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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Astronautical Engineering

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Intelligence and Global Security

Capitol Cyber Once Again Cruises to Victory

From April 30th-May 1st, a small group of students from Capitol Technology University participated in the BSidesCharm information security conference in Towson, Maryland.

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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Healthcare Technology

How to Write a Successful University Research Paper

May 23, 2022
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Direct Some Respect: It’s Armed Forces Day!

May 21, 2022
Today we celebrate the multiple divisions of the US armed forces -- and the active men and women enlisted to serve in our country’s defense. Who can quickly name all 6 branches? 
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Influential Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in STEM

May 20, 2022
May marks Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, and the Capitology blog is celebrating by highlighting some of the most influential modern day AAPI members involved in STEM.
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Capitol Technology University Announces New Aviation Degree and Partnership with WIFA

In response to the growing needs of the aviation industry for professional pilots, Capitol Technology University is pleased to announce that a new program in Aviation will be available for the Fall 2023 semester.

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