The Occupational Safety and Health Emphasis on Mental Well-Being

Dr. Darin Dillow

Dr. Darin Dillow

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The many career prospects of a construction management graduate

September 19, 2022
Few degrees offer the income, flexibility, and career satisfaction of the Construction Management diploma. Which pathway will you take? Which opportunities most appeal? One attractive feature of this field is that it offers the option to work on site with the professionals who actually construct buildings, or to work in an office in front of a computer in an area like sustainability. A sustainability consultant focuses on environmental issues and their relationship to building practices. Their work may include an analysis of a building’s energy consumption and that energy source’s environmental impact. They also identify practices within an organization that can be optimized to achieve sustainability. By advising clients on the most optimal choices, they focus environmental activism in a practical direction.
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Todd Raines

Todd Raines

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Dr. Jeremy Daniel Pretty

Dr. Jeremy Daniel Pretty

Dissertation Chair/Adjunct Professor

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Physics-Informed Machine Learning: The Next Evolution in Neural Network Development

Dr. Karriem Perry

Dr. Karriem Perry

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Transformational Leadership: Leading and Following from the Front

Dr. Reginald D. Freeman

Dr. Reginald Freeman

Fire Chief, Cit of Oakland, CA

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Dr. Kellep Charles

Dr. Kellep Charles

Chair of Cybersecurity Programs at Capitol Technology University

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