Introducing the Capitol Chargers Overwatch Team

February 7, 2022
Thanks to Capitol Chargers Overwatch Team member and student Bill Roberson for contributing this guest blog about our newly formed university esports team!
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Virtual Volunteer Opportunities – A Safe Way to Give Back

February 4, 2022
Looking for a fun, virtual way to volunteer?
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Bachelor of Science (BS) in Military Technical Management

Skywatching with Professor Mabson | ALPHA Teaser Series #1

February 1, 2022
Are you excitedly anticipating the arrival of Capitol Tech’s ALPHA Observatory? We are too! 
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Maintaining Digital Security on Data Privacy Day

January 28, 2022
January 28th is National Data Privacy Day, an awareness day set by the National Cybersecurity Alliance to encourage all digital dwellers to be mindful about protecting their onl
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Invest in us and we’ll invest in you

1 Year Post-Inauguration: STEM's New Growth

January 21, 2022
It’s been one year since the Biden administration entered office, and the country has been through significant change since then.
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How AI is Changing the Workforce

January 18, 2022
If you venture out it’s likely you will see the impact of worker shortages. Though unemployment rates have dropped from their pandemic peak, many companies are still struggling to fill in the gaps.  
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