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Innovators Hall

Cyber Scholarship Program: Don't Miss This Prestigious Opportunity for Students

Picture this: a full scholarship package enabling you to complete your cybersecurity education without being hampered by financial burdens.

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Programmed for Success with a Computer Science degree

Angela Okoro: Building Her Way to the Top

November 29, 2021
Angela Okoro, like many other Capitol students, set out on her educational journey early with big aspirations.
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Physicist Traps Light and Wins Canada’s Highest Honor

November 19, 2021
The idea of trapping light, may be hard to imagine, but not for Sajeev John who actually managed to achieve this mind-boggling feat. John created the Photonic Band Gap (PBG) which involves trapping photons which are then controlled by an “optical microchip, analogous to how electrons are controlled in a semiconductor.”
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Online Master of Research (MRes) in Astronautical Engineering

Resumes: Tips for Making the Best First Impression

November 18, 2021
The old adage "You never get a second chance to make a good first impression," puts a lot of pressure on your first interaction with a person you want to impress. Luckily for those seeking a new job, you have plenty of time to prepare, cull, and review your first impression—your resume.
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