A Brief History of Mobile Apps

December 15, 2021
Earlier this week, people around the country celebrated the software that save our to-do list items, connect us with friends, fuel our interests and so much more during National App Day.  Celebrated on December 11, National App Day provides smartphone users the opportunity to appreciate the many mobile applications, apps for short, we use in our daily lives and all the work that went into creating them.
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Electric Vehicles' Impact on the Environment

December 13, 2021
In the late 90s, hybrid vehicles became the preferred choice for many people who were interested in both saving money on gas and improving the environment as they use less gas and produce fewer harmful pollutants.
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Aviation’s Movement Toward Sustainable Fuel

December 10, 2021
The push toward a green future for our planet is inspiring countless industries to develop reliable, environmentally effective methods for their companies. Aircraft transit is no different, with a campaign for sustainable aviation fuel (or SAF) having begun in 2015.
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Computer Science Education Week

December 6, 2021
This year’s Computer Science Education Week is running from December 6th through the 12th, and schools across America are looking to spread the word.
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Observatory Coming to Capitol Campus!

Capitol Technology University Astronautical Engineering (AE) program was recently awarded a grant by the Maryland Space Grant Consortium to establish the Asteroid Large aperture PHotometry exoplAnet transit (ALPHA) observatory, which will be located on the university campus.

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Cybersecurity Challenges in the Financial Sector

Dr. David Gianna

Dr. David Gianna


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Dr. Scott Raetzman

Dr. Scott Raetzman

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Drone Action in Ukraine

Reach New Heights in Unmanned & Autonomous Systems