Aviation and Astronautical Sciences

Facial Recognition and Masks

March 10, 2022
Most people have been wearing masks since March of 2020, when the COVID pandemic first began.
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Courses and Courts: Golf and Tennis Tournament 2022

Degree Spotlight: Engineering and Engineering Technologies

March 9, 2022
Capitol Tech has its roots in engineering. Founded in 1927 as the Capitol Radio Engineering Institute (CREI), the school focused on producing much needed well-trained radio and electronics technicians.
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International Women’s Day Celebration Today

March 8, 2022
Today, March 8th, is the annual observance of International Women’s Day, a day celebrating the significant impact of women to all aspects of our society.
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High-Performance Computing (HPC): Applications and Trends in Computer Science

March 7, 2022
High-performance computing (HPC) is a relatively new application being used across many STEM fields of study.
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