Career Services Series (Part 3): Guidance for College Students Seeking Employment During COVID-19 

April 28, 2020
Last week in Part 2 of the Career Services Series: Guidance for College Students Seeking Employment During COVID-19, I discussed professional job search materials and how to communicate your message as part of developing your professional brand. One of the basic components of professional branding is the resume.  Part 1 of the series covered the importance of a good resume format as the key to getting your resume noticed).  Networking is a significant component of an expedited job search. In Part 3 we will address how, with the Covid-19 restrictions, the entire process can be done virtually while remaining effective, as most employers have converted to virtual communication. 
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Best Cybersecurity Program: The Secret to Capitol Tech’s Success

April 27, 2020
This year, Capitol Technology University was honored with the prestigious 2020 SC Media Award for Best Cybersecurity Higher Education Program.
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Using AI and Data Science to Fight COVID-19

April 24, 2020
It might not be the first technology you think of when you wonder what cutting edge tech is being deployed to help us during the pandemic, but big data analysis is right there on the front lines. Artificial intelligence is currently being used in combination with predictive analytics and data science to combat the coronavirus. 
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Career Services Series (Part 2): Guidance for College Students Seeking Employment During COVID-19 

April 23, 2020
Last week in Part 1 of the Career Services Series: Guidance for College Students Seeking Employment During COVID-19, I discussed the importance of a good resume by taking an assessment of yourself, your skills and accomplishments to look for ways to make you stand out in a crowd of applicants. Part 2 will discuss how to conduct the job search process virtually, in light of the COVID-19 limitations. 
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Dr. Sims

Letter from President Sims to the Community - April 22, 2020

Though I am sure you will not need it, I wish each of you good luck for this week’s final exams! As we approach the end of this semester with students preparing and completing final exams, Capitol Tech’s faculty and staff are finalizing the framework for the summer semester. We are pleased to report that the first summer courses will begin as scheduled on May 4th online via Zoom. We are also excited to share our first online video celebration for graduating students which will take place on May 2nd. We know this celebration does not replace an in-person commencement ceremony, so we are working to identify new dates to congratulate Capitol Tech’s soon-to-be alumni in the traditional fashion. 

Robotics in construction: How the construction industry is adopting technology

April 22, 2020
The construction industry has been slow to onboard automated solutions. However, this has changed in recent years as the construction industry has come to recognize the value of integrating technology, especially robotics in construction.
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Ready? Tech. GO!: Tech versus COVID-19

April 22, 2020
A common enemy. It’s one of the most uniting forces throughout history, and when it comes to COVID-19, it seems that all of humanity has recently found an enemy in common. The coronavirus is a tricky combatant: invisible, widespread, and, as of yet, incurable. How is the world fighting back against these odds? With technology.
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Earth Day 2020 

April 21, 2020
Global. It’s a word we used to use to mean worldwide, but as the coronavirus continues to spread, “Global” has taken on a new connotation. Global doesn’t just refer to our planet as a scientific body. We’re actively being forced to admit that global events aren’t a distant concept seemingly too broad to affect us. Global in the age of COVID-19 means everywhere and, more importantly, everyone. 
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The role of mechatronics engineering in robotics

April 20, 2020
Mechatronics engineering has enabled multiple systems to seamlessly communicate and operate in conjunction with each other, allowing robots to go from a robotic arm to an artificial intelligence-based humanoid robot.
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