Fastest growing careers in the construction industry: jobs outlook

June 29, 2020
The number of construction jobs is expected to rise to 7.5 million by 2026. The highest growth is in the heavy and civil engineering subsector, with an estimated 39% growth.
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How cybersecurity experts can prevent cyber-attacks

June 22, 2020
Cybersecurity tools once used by top-level cybersecurity professionals are now available to anyone via the Dark Web making prevention of cyber-attacks more of a challenge.
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The role of integrative thinking in mechatronics problem-solving

June 16, 2020
Integrative thinking is the ability to take two opposing ideas and produce a creative solution. It can play a critical role in mechatronics which is an integration of multiple fields, including electronic, robotic, control, system and computer engineering.
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Women Veterans Day: Today We Honor Female Veterans

June 13, 2020
Today on Women Veterans Day we honor all the female veterans for their sacrifice and commitment to our country. 
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President Sims

Supporting Racial Equality: A Message to the Community 

Capitol Technology University strives to provide access, opportunity, and success to students, faculty, and staff of all backgrounds by fostering an inclusive campus environment. Recent events which displayed racial injustice have deeply affected members of our campus community from all races, nationalities, genders, sexual orientations, and socioeconomic strata.  

The Sun Never Sets on Capitol Tech: Growing the Doctoral Program

June 9, 2020
Since arriving at Capitol Technology University in 2017, President Bradford Sims PhD, has implemented his vision for the university by incorporating innovation at all degree levels, fields of study, and delivery methods for Capitol Tech’s signature future-focused education.
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