Cyber Focus: The Man-in-the-Email, or Business Email Compromise 

April 17, 2020
Thank goodness for the internet. The COVID-19 pandemic is like nothing we’ve seen in recent history, but there is one major difference between us and our medieval ancestors: internet access. Even though the best thing we can do right now is to practice safe social distancing and stay at home, thanks to the internet we don’t have to be alone.  
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Cyber Threats Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic 

April 16, 2020
As is often the case during any sort of disaster or emergency, cybersecurity often takes a backseat in the minds of both people and organizations. For many people, this pandemic brings an existential threat on top of possibly facing financial hardship. With COVID-19 dominating the news cycle, cyber threat actors are taking full advantage of the situation by perpetrating scams and phishing attacks which largely depend on the target’s sense of fear and urgency. 
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The Tech Powered Fight Against Distracted Driving

April 16, 2020
We’ve all been there. You’re running late, your phone is buzzing away, your hair looks like a bird just finished using it as a nest and you’ve gotta hit the road or the person you’re going to see is gonna absolutely kill you. While it might be tempting to answer those texts while you’re driving, it can wait.
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Dr. Sims

Update from President Sims

The Capitol Tech team of faculty and staff continue to find new ways to serve our students no matter where they are currently. These improvements include updating the financial aid information available to students, disseminating organization tips for students to remain on-track while learning remotely, and staying up-to-date on the latest online learning tools and safety protocols.

Career Services Series (Part 1): Guidance for College Students Seeking Employment During COVID-19 

April 14, 2020
You may be uncertain about your job search and how it has been impacted by COVID-19, but you don’t need to worry.  Despite the increase in the unemployment rate, social distancing requirements, and restriction on travel, the job market for Capitol Technology University students and graduates is still lucrative. 
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Cyber analytics careers in healthcare

April 13, 2020
Healthcare cyber analytics experts are in high demand as the front-line solution to protecting health data. In both the federal government and private industry, career options for cyber analytics in healthcare are continuing to grow.
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10 Amazing Inventions Made Possible by Mechatronics Engineering 

April 10, 2020
So, you’ve come across the term mechatronics, maybe you’re even considering becoming a mechatronics engineer, but what do mechatronics engineers actually do? It turns out, you may be more familiar with mechatronics than you think. The combination of mechanical and electrical engineering with computer programming, mechatronics is increasingly everywhere. And we bet you’ve heard of some of these famous inventions that have only become possible through mechatronics unique combination of skills. 
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What’s Still Running? The Impact of COVID-19 On Critical Infrastructure 

April 9, 2020
The COIVD-19 coronavirus has impacted our society in completely unprecedented ways. With many businesses changing their practices or being forced to shut down entirely in the wake of the pandemic, what’s going on with those critical services that affect all of us? How is the government handling the response right now, which critical infrastructure jobs have been mandated as essential, and how can we expect this to impact our future? 
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Unmanned Systems: Keeping People and the Economy Alive in the Time of Social Distancing 

April 8, 2020
Many industries have been slowly integrating the use of drones and other unmanned systems technology into their businesses for years now, but with social distancing globally in effect due to the recent COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, the time for companies to unleash the robots is now. Using unmanned systems to help us save more lives is a no-brainer, but rather than replacing our jobs they might actually help save us and the economy too. 
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Critical Infrastructure – How Refineries Work 

April 8, 2020
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security website says “there are 16 critical infrastructure sectors whose assets, systems, and networks, whether physical or virtual, are considered so vital to the United States that their incapacitation or destruction would have a debilitating effect on security, national economic security, national public health or safety, or any combination thereof.1”   
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