Dr. Sims

Letter from President Sims - Moving Forward

Congratulations to everyone for a successful spring semester! While we look toward a future in which we know COVID-19 will remain a reality, we reflect on the lessons we’ve learned during the transition to online learning while we plan our safe return to campus in the fall.

Interview: What Does it Mean to be a Data Scientist?

May 14, 2020
Change can be intimidating, especially when shifting gears means shifting the way you thought your life might go. At Capitol we know from almost 100 years of experience that education, or the decision to go back to school and earn a second degree, is often a big change. Yet sometimes without making that leap, our lives become stagnant and we can end up feeling stuck.  Today we talked to real person and Data Analyst, Evan Snow, who shared with us his education story and what his career looks like nowadays.
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(Part 2) Critical Infrastructure: Sectors Rely on Strong Space Security 

May 13, 2020
Foreign competitors and adversaries can conduct electronic attacks to disrupt, deny, deceive or degrade space services by attacking the segments in space, on the ground, or through the user or the links themselves.   
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Counterterrorism in 2020

May 12, 2020
The global stage of late has almost exclusively starred the COVID-19 coronavirus, but terrorism never stops. Just because you aren’t hearing about it in the news doesn’t mean that counterterrorism has stopped being important.
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Why Veterans Should Consider an Online Construction Management Degree

May 12, 2020
Veterans are equipped with a number of skills learned from their years of military training and experience, many of which are in high demand in construction management careers.
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(Part 1) Critical Infrastructure: Space Security and Cybersecurity Intersect

May 8, 2020
Satellite and space security is essential to our country’s safety and prosperity, and only through the hard work of dedicated cyber professionals and educators of future cyber warriors will we be able to protect our great nation. Capitol Technology University leads the way in educating the Nation’s cyber professionals for key essential industries. 
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Mental Health Tips for Students

May 8, 2020
Let’s not sugarcoat it, things are pretty crazy right now. COVID-19 turned the world on its head while you were just minding your own business and trying to get through a major life milestone – college. Being a student has always come with a certain amount of stress, but right now you might be feeling a little lost – and that’s okay, but we have some tips that may help.
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Career Services Series (Part 4): Guidance for College Students Seeking Employment During COVID-19 

May 6, 2020
Last week in Part 3 of the Career Services Series: Guidance for College Students Seeking Employment During COVID-19, we addressed how to network virtually and effectively utilize your professional brand to interact with employers.  In Part 2 of the series we covered professional job search materials and how you communicate your message as part of developing your professional brand. One of the basic components of professional branding is the resume.  Part 1 of the series covered the importance of a good resume format as the key to getting your resume noticed.  Part 4  the last segment of our series, will cover virtual interviewing techniques.  
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Cybersecurity in the COVID Wild West

May 4, 2020
Cybercrime used to be something that only effected the people in movies, but as computer tech has evolved, cyber threats have become as real and commonplace as any malicious act. Now in 2020, we find ourselves in an unprecedented situation: forced to the internet for work and socialization thanks to the COVID-19 global pandemic.
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Network security vs. identity-based application security

May 4, 2020
In recent years, identity-based application security has become an important component of network security, making it vital for cybersecurity experts to integrate Identity and Access Management for applications.
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