Student Voice: Leader of the Astronomy Club Shares His View of the International Space Station 

May 28, 2020
A new student came into the Fusion Lab who was interested in everything in the lab had to offer, but he was particularly intrigued by the International Space Station (ISS) tracker display. He wasn’t sure what it was so I explained to him that it tracks the ISS in real time and that it just so happened that it was about to pass over the school in about 5 minutes. 
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21st Century Astronautical Engineering Professor  

May 27, 2020
Modern university education features a lot of adjunct teaching (aka courses taught by part-time professors). The core debate, for those not tracking it, centers around an almost cliché question: which is better: full-time on-campus professors or working part-time adjuncts? 
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3D Tours

Understanding the difference between Mechatronics engineering vs. mechatronics robotics engineering

May 26, 2020
For students interested in pursuing a degree in mechatronics, it can be confusing trying to understand the difference between mechatronics engineering and mechatronics robotics engineering.
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Memorial Day at Capitol Tech

May 26, 2020
Memorial Day is often appreciated by those without connections to members of our military as a yearly bonus day off, but Capitol Technology University has a long history of supporting military members that makes this Monday especially close to the heart of the institution.  
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I Know What You Are, but What Am I?: What it Meant and Means to be a Nerd, Geek, or Techie  

May 22, 2020
Only a few years ago, the words “Nerd”, “Geek”, and “Techie” were not a compliment. Popular culture has influenced early ideas of what each of these words meant and created images of what kind of person would be identified as such. Iconic shows and movies like 1984’s Revenge of the Nerds, 1985’s The Breakfast Club, 1999’s Freaks and Geeks, 2006’s The IT Crowd, 2014’s Silicon Valley, or 2015’s Mr. Robot, have largely shaped how we think someone in each of these categories looks, acts, and is capable of. 
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From Small Idea to Start-up: Tips from Successful Tech Companies

May 21, 2020
A million dollars in the tech world may seem like small change against giants like Microsoft (valued at $1 trillion) or Apple (valued at $1.3 Trillion), but for many start-ups, a $1 million company valuation is a sign that they’ve made it. Today, on National Be a Millionaire Day, we review companies that found their niche in an incredibly saturated tech market to make their mark-and their million. 
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Graduate Admissions Counselor

Undergraduate Admissions Counselor

Cybersecurity breaches and their impact on corporate stock prices

May 18, 2020
Cybersecurity breaches have an impact on a company’s bottom line. But beyond the physical, staff and time costs is the impact a breach can have on stock prices.
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