health and safety phd

Capitol Tech signs MOU with CSU to Create Pathway to PhD in Occupational Health and Safety

Capitol Technology University has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Columbia Southern University (CSU) to increase access to high-quality, in-demand education to ambitious students. This MOU allows graduates of CSU’s Master’s in Occupational Safety and Health degree direct admission into Capitol Tech’s PhD in Health and Safety program. Credits earned by students through CSU’s M.A. degree will transfer toward Capitol Tech’s fully online, research-based PhD.

Mechatronics engineering and renewable energy systems

July 27, 2020
Mechatronics engineers, with their understanding of control systems, computer systems, robotics, electronics, and product engineering, are poised to create the next great advance in renewable energy.
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Rise of virtual and augmented reality technology in construction management

July 24, 2020
The construction industry is often thought of as being slow to adopt technology, but virtual and augmented reality have taken a growing role in construction management primarily because of the safety improvements that they offer.
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Pandemic Proves to be Test for AI and Machine Learning Systems

July 22, 2020
​​​​​​​Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) can be helpful tools in the world of data analytics and cybersecurity, helping to predict human behavior and identify potential threats. But what happens when an event causes humans to act in an unexpected way?
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AWS Shield Reports Largest DDoS Attack, Overall Increase in Threats

July 21, 2020
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks may not be as common as they once were, but that doesn’t mean that malicious entities have given up on bringing systems to a halt by overwhelming web servers.
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Women in the Space Industry

July 20, 2020
Women make up 24% of the aerospace and defense industry. Though in the minority, they have made great strides in recent years with their contributions to the space industry.
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