Capitology Blog

AI-Enhanced Cyberthreats

October 21, 2020
​​​​​​​Artificial Intelligence (AI) has many benefits – a home with smart technology can reduce energy use; AI can help predict disasters, such as the path of wildfires; and enhances automation, making for more streamlined manufacturing. However, AI can also be used for malicious activity, particularly as hackers use the technology to commit bigger and more efficient attacks.
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Smart Contract Hacking: What is it and What Does it Affect?

October 19, 2020
A smart contract is a way to handle business transactions to ensure they are secured, accurate, fast, and cost-effective–all without involving a third party, such as a bank. A smart contract uses a computer program that automatically executes the contract, the specifications of which are written into the program code.
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Haden Land: A Hispanic STEM Leader and Chairman of Capitol Tech's Board

October 15, 2020
As many young children did, Haden Land grew up watching NASA’s Apollo Missions, except Land had a particular interest–his father was responsible for the trajectories of the launches. This early access to a STEM began Land’s long and successful career in the T part of STEM.
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Seize the Moment: Now is the Time for Women in Cybersecurity

October 13, 2020
A recent report released by the cybersecurity company Mimecast revealed that cybercrime has increased significantly in the midst of the global pandemic. The 48-page report “100 Days of Coronavirus (COVID-19),” released in May 2020, reported an overall increase in cyber-attacks by 33%
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Build Your Future with NCCER and Capitol Technology University’s Online Construction Programs

October 12, 2020
Those that have worked hard to obtain a National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) credential in one of their many disciplines may now use those credentials towards completion of any of Capitol Tech’s Bachelor’s degrees. 
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Interview: Dr. William Butler, Chair of Cybersecurity, Talks About Cyber Awareness Month

October 9, 2020
Capitology Blog talked with Dr. William Butler, Chair of Capitol Technology University’s Cyber and Information Security programs and Director of the university's Center for Cybersecurity Research and Analysis (CCRA), to discuss cyber awareness and what everyone—from the general user to cybersecurity expert—can do to protect themselves.
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Cloud Vulnerability

October 8, 2020
Between Google Drive, iCloud, and OneNote, the average person uses cloud-based storage every day, often without thinking about it, as cell phones, laptops, and tablets automatically back up images, documents, and personal and work data. It’s important for everyone to consider the potential vulnerabilities inherent to storing data in the cloud to ensure that their data remains secure, whether using the cloud for work or personal use.
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AI Fuzzing: A Key Component of Cybersecurity

October 6, 2020
AI fuzzing may sound like something cute, but it’s a key component in testing applications or systems for vulnerabilities. The general idea of fuzzing is not new. Fuzzing is an automated testing technique that uses unexpected or invalid data to see if – or how – a system fails and has been a known computer science term since the late 80s. It’s found a new era, however, with the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
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Ana Sol Gutierrez: "I wouldn’t follow the role they attributed to me"

October 5, 2020
Surrounded by the flora and fauna of her home in El Salvador, a Central American country, Ana Sol Gutierrez grew up with an inherent interest in biology. After moving to the United States when she was only 4 years old, Gutierrez’s interested in biology was further fueled as she compared the tropical environment of her home country to the surrounding of her new home. Gutierrez’s interest in the environmental juxtaposition she experiences fueled her exploration of other STEM fields through high school and into college, though not in an easily predictable manner.
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Be Aware: October is National Cyber Awareness Month

October 1, 2020
“Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart.” According to the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), that is this year’s theme for National Cyber Awareness Month, which aims to help raise awareness for cybersecurity issues ranging from personal information being hacked to large-scale data breaches.
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