Capitology Blog

Visit Career Services to Create a Blueprint toward Your Future Career

September 9, 2020
Welcome to Capitol Tech for the new academic year! The Office of Career Services is here to assist you prepare for an ever-changing workforce through individualized career planning. We can provide you with the necessary resources and guidance to manage your career, whether you are deciding upon a major or have defined a career interest. Through this career planning process we will help you to explore new paths, change destinations, and map your vision for the future.
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NCCER Certification Accepted at Capitol Technology University

September 8, 2020
Capitol Technology University and the National Center for Construction Education & Research (NCCER) have signed a new agreement providing support for industry trade workers building our economy across the nation. Those that have worked hard to obtain a NCCER credential in one of their many disciplines may now use those credentials towards completion of Capitol Tech’s Online Bachelors of Science in Professional Trades Administration program.
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Student Voice: Taylor Ownbey's Experience Discovering and Becoming a Student Leader in Cybersecurity

September 4, 2020
Growing up, STEM of any kind wasn’t my main focus or interest. Ever since elementary school, I excelled in English and visual arts, receiving straight A’s in every writing class and winning art competitions every single year. I had found my area, my niche, and felt completely comfortable in it.
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Cultural barriers in Construction Management

September 1, 2020
For any project manager, understanding cultural barriers is important to ensuring a project will be completed successfully. For construction managers, who work with a variety of workers, understanding cultural barriers is vital to both day-to-day operations and ensuring the project workforce is functioning at their best.
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Why Students Should Consider Mechatronics

August 31, 2020
Mechatronics engineering combines various fields like electrical, computer, mechanical and control, making it easy for students to pursue careers in many industries like robotics, aerospace, healthcare, manufacturing, and automotive.
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U.S. Coast Guard Celebrates 230th Birthday in August

August 25, 2020
Originally founded in 1790 as the Revenue Marine, the maritime service became the U.S. Coast Guard in 1915. August 4 is considered to be the U.S. Coast Guard’s birthday, which makes August 4, 2020 the military organization’s 230th birthday.
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What are the biggest cybersecurity challenges in healthcare?

August 24, 2020
With increased use of technology, how is the healthcare industry ensuring protection of patient data? A special report lays out the challenges facing healthcare cybersecurity and the best practices for overcoming those challenges.
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Old School Undergraduate Internship Advice May Be New Again

August 21, 2020
As President of Capitol Technology University, I started out my career many years ago completing an undergraduate degree in construction management that lead to several different employers in the industrial construction industry.  Looking back to the difficulty of finding an internship in the late 1980’s some skills are more relevant today in slow industry hiring markets compared to the booming industry markets from 1995 to 2008 and again from 2017 to early 2020.
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Capitol Technology University's Recounts its History with Radio Engineering for National Radio Day

August 20, 2020
Today is National Radio Day and, as an institution that started as Capitol Radio Engineering Institute (CREI) in 1927, Capitol Technology University has a long history of celebrating the technology behind radios.
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(Series) The Career Landscape During and After COVID: The Past, Present, and Future: How the Tech Industry was Pre-prepared for COVID and Teleworking

August 19, 2020
Teleworking may seem like a modern ideation born only from the rise of technology (and in some ways it is and will continue to form remote work as the tech industry and technology develops), but its roots are far wider and deeper than the last 20 or 30 years.
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