Capitology Blog

Q&A with Dr. Coray Davis, Capitol Tech's Chair of Engineering

January 14, 2021
The Capitol Technology University Blog sat down with Dr. Coray Davis, Capitol Tech's Chair of Engineering, to talk about his field, his experience, and his goals for the department. 
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“New Space” Provides Many Opportunities for Engineering Students

January 12, 2021
Capitology Blog sat down with Dr. Alex “Sandy” Antunes to discuss the upcoming Virgin Orbit CubeSat launch and why astronautical engineering is a growing field. Dr. Antunes is a professor of astronautical engineering at Capitol Technology University.  He mentors and manages undergraduate payload projects that are student conceived and student led, including the Cactus-1 CubeSat mission and two summers with Brazil's “Science without Borders” exchange program, and has been a member of the NASA Academy of Aerospace Quality (AAQ) advisory board since 2015.
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Message from Dr. Sims on the New Year

January 11, 2021
Happy New Year and congratulations to all of our students who persevered through their studies during 2020, which was undoubtedly a difficult year full of uncertainty and change. I hope everyone enjoyed their Winter Break. Now that the first week of classes has concluded, I wanted to highlight a few of the things we’re looking forward to in 2021.
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Historical Telescope Fights for Second Life

January 8, 2021
​​​​​​​The Arecibo Telescope in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, was another unexpected loss in 2020. In early August, a cable supporting a platform above the main reflector dish snapped, causing a 60-foot-long rift in the dish, rendering it inoperable.
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Q&A: Dr. Joshua Sinai, Professor of Practice for Counterterrorism Studies

January 7, 2021
The Capitol Technology University Blog sat down with Dr. Joshua Sinai, Capitol Tech's Professor of Practice for Counterterrorism Studies, to talk about his field and the BS in Counterterrorism and PhD Counterterrorism programs offered by the university. Dr. Sinai also discussed his recently published article titled "Assessing the Active Shooter Attack Against YouTube Headquarters, on April 3, 2018, and Prevention Measures"1 on the YouTube shooting which took place on April 3, 2018, a significant event in counterterrorism studies, which can be read here.
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Forecasting Wind Patterns Using Machine Learning

January 6, 2021
Machine learning has been integrated into many aspects of daily life, including smart devices and social media. Now machine learning is being used to help the environment, by predicting wind patterns.
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Environmental impact on construction management

December 30, 2020
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. construction industry accounts for 25 percent of non-industrial waste generation a year. Here are some ways construction managers can reduce negative environmental impacts.
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How does your computer science degree help you with cybersecurity?

December 28, 2020
There are a lot of choices when it comes to potential careers in computer science. One possible career path computer science degree students can take is in cybersecurity.
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Rising number of ransomware attacks target US hospitals

December 21, 2020
On top of everything hospitals have faced this year with the COVID-19 pandemic, they are now facing an increased number of ransomware cyberattacks targeting their systems for financial gain.
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Tips for ensuring your safety while online shopping

December 18, 2020
With increasing COVID-19 rates overlapping with the holiday season, more and more people are turning to online shopping. That also means that more and more cyber fraud is occurring as hackers take advantage of increased online sales.
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