Capitology Blog

Strategies in Facilities Management to control the spread of COVID-19

December 18, 2020
Controlling the spread of COVID-19 within buildings is the responsibility of facilities managers. Here are six primary strategies that they can use to protect individuals coming in and out of buildings.
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COVID and Innovation in Aviation

December 17, 2020
The aviation industry has been greatly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. As reported by Airlines for America, worldwide departures remain 49 percent below 2019 levels, with domestic USA flights averaging 58 passengers per departure compared to 99 in 2019.
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How to Study Terrorism

December 15, 2020
Terrorist insurgencies, whether by groups or radicalized lone actors, constitute one of the primary national threats facing the United States and the international community. Additionally, with heightened political polarization in American society, with militant groups also protesting against or in favor of a host of issues such as lockdown restrictions to contain the COVID-19 pandemic (including potential resistance by some to being vaccinated), law enforcement reform, and the perceived legitimacy of election results, there is an escalation of communicated and physical threats against public officials, with many of them now being protected by 24/7 security details.
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Computer Science: After Transforming the World, the Impact of Computer Science Will Accelerate Further

December 10, 2020
​​​​​​​The title of this blog would appear hyperbolic in nature, but let me describe some of the simple, publicly available facts evidencing that Computer Science has and will continue to transform the world at a rapid rate affecting millions of people every day.
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Celebrating Grace Hopper: Computer Science Pioneer & Capitol Tech Commencement Speaker

December 10, 2020
Have you ever heard the phrase “there’s a bug in the system?” We have Grace Hopper to thank for that iconic phrase that is now ubiquitously known to mean there is a flaw in a program affecting its ability to perform a desired task.
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Q&A with Dr. Robert Steele, Chair of Computer Science

December 8, 2020
This week, December 7-11, is Computer Science Education Week, which is focused on bringing awareness to the field of computer science while providing computer science resources to students and teachers The Capitology Blog talked with Dr. Robert Steele, Chair and Professor of Capitol Tech's Computer Science Department, to discuss computer science and the importance of celebrating national events such as Computer Science Education Week.
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Today Marks the Start of National Computer Science Education Week

December 7, 2020
Today marks the beginning of National Computer Science Education Week. This annual event was started in 2009 by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) "to learn computer science, advocate for equity in computer science education, and celebrate the contributions of students, teachers, and partners to the field” according to the Computer Science Education Week (CSEW) website hosted by a variety of organizations including The Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) and
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Capitol Tech's Stephen McCaskey, VP of Academic Affairs, Invited to Join Royal Aeronautical Society

December 4, 2020
Capitol Technology University’s Vice President of Academic Affairs, Stephen McCaskey, PhD, has been invited to become a Fellow with the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS). McCaskey was invited by RAes president, Prof Jonathan Cooper in October 2020. While anyone in the aerospace industry may apply to join the RAeS, select individuals may be specially invited to join the prestigious society.
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Resume Building Guidelines: Does Your Resume Get Noticed?

December 3, 2020
Employers give resume about a six-second review.  Does your resume get you noticed? Are you getting calls from employers? If not, your resume may need improvement.
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National Computer Security Day

November 30, 2020
November 30 is National Computer Security Day. The day is all about encouraging everyone to be proactive in ensuring the equipment and systems they use on a day-to-day basis are secure. This is especially important as we enter the holiday season and many partake in online shopping, often without stopping to consider if what they are doing is safe.
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