AI-Enhanced Cyberthreats

October 21, 2020
​​​​​​​Artificial Intelligence (AI) has many benefits – a home with smart technology can reduce energy use; AI can help predict disasters, such as the path of wildfires; and enhances automation, making for more streamlined manufacturing. However, AI can also be used for malicious activity, particularly as hackers use the technology to commit bigger and more efficient attacks.
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Careers in Construction Month

Capitol Tech Celebrates Careers in Construction Month

​​​​​​​In accordance with the proclamation of October as Careers in Construction Month by Governor of Maryland, Larry Hogan, Capitol Technology University has pledged to celebrate by bringing awareness to the many job opportunities in one of the United States’ largest industries.

Smart Contract Hacking: What is it and What Does it Affect?

October 19, 2020
A smart contract is a way to handle business transactions to ensure they are secured, accurate, fast, and cost-effective–all without involving a third party, such as a bank. A smart contract uses a computer program that automatically executes the contract, the specifications of which are written into the program code.
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Cybersecurity Awareness Month poster contest

2020 Cyber Awareness Poster Contest

Are you a cybersecurity expert? Or a cybersecurity expert in the making? If you have a passion for cybersecurity and are a current Capitol Technology University student, enter this year’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month Poster Contest!

Haden Land: A Hispanic STEM Leader and Chairman of Capitol Tech's Board

October 15, 2020
As many young children did, Haden Land grew up watching NASA’s Apollo Missions, except Land had a particular interest–his father was responsible for the trajectories of the launches. This early access to a STEM began Land’s long and successful career in the T part of STEM.
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