Why Students Should Consider Mechatronics

August 31, 2020
Mechatronics engineering combines various fields like electrical, computer, mechanical and control, making it easy for students to pursue careers in many industries like robotics, aerospace, healthcare, manufacturing, and automotive.
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MegaByte Café

Cap Tech Talks Webinars

Dr. Vijay Kowtha

Dr. Vijayanand “Vijay” Kowtha

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Leif Heaney

Leif Heaney

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Anh Ho

Anh Ho

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Elliot Ownbey

Elliot Ownbey

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U.S. Coast Guard Celebrates 230th Birthday in August

August 25, 2020
Originally founded in 1790 as the Revenue Marine, the maritime service became the U.S. Coast Guard in 1915. August 4 is considered to be the U.S. Coast Guard’s birthday, which makes August 4, 2020 the military organization’s 230th birthday.
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Capitol Tech SOC

Capitol Tech's SOC Recognized by National CyberWatch Center for its Innovations in Cybersecurity

National CyberWatch Center, “a consortium of higher education institutions, businesses, and government agencies focused on collaborative efforts to advance Information Security education and strengthen the national cybersecurity workforce,” recognized Capitol Technology University’s Security Operations Center (SOC) in National CyberWatch Center’s 2020 Innovations in Cybersecurity Education publication
Document Signing

Capitol Tech and NDU Renew MOU to Increase Information and Cyberspace Leaders

On August 20, Capitol Technology University and the National Defense University (NDU) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to renew an existing MOU between the two distinguished STEM focused institutions. A virtual signing ceremony was held via Zoom on August 20th between leaders from Capitol Tech and NDU. Click here to view the ceremony.