Faculty Spotlight: Learn How Industry Leader, Dr. Ron Martin, Prepares His Online Students to Meet the Challenges of the Critical Infrastructure World

November 11, 2020
Dr. Ron Martin is a Professor of Practice at Capitol Technology University with a specialization in Identity Credentialing and Access Management (ICAM), Critical Infrastructure, Industrial Control Systems, and Cybersecurity. Dr. Martin, now an instructor, consultant, and Subject Matter Expert (SME), worked in a government capacity (in various roles) for decades with the United States Army, United States Department of Commerce, United States Department of Health and Human Services, and the Commonwealth of Virginia.
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Veterans Day Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Capitol Tech Thanks Our Veterans for Their Service

Dear active duty military personnel, retirees, and veterans, Thank you for your service. On behalf of Capitol Technology University, we appreciate your willingness to serve our nation proudly.

3 Proven Tips by College Advisor & Instructional Designer

November 10, 2020
BREAKING NEWS: Pursuing a degree online is NOT easier just because it’s online.   That’s a myth, and a lot of people believe it. Why? Well, the reasons vary and to be honest, we don’t need to spend any time exploring those reasons.  
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National Distance Week Series: Online Learning’s Past, Present, and Future

November 9, 2020
Last March, I found myself in a Zoom room exploring Canvas with CapTech Faculty. While compelled by the faculty's optimism, I could not escape the sting of a news story I caught that morning. The sound bite of students complaining about their institution's ability to adapt at the onset of COVID-19 pains me as an Education Tech Admin.  As I facilitated the training, I mentioned the story to a faculty member.  She responded with a comedic, "well, I am only here for Zoom. I know Canvas. I have been using Canvas since we transitioned". Her statements reminded me why I choose to work for an institution founded on the basics of distance education and poised to exceed its founders' vision by 2025. 
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National STEM Day

November 7, 2020
November 8 is National STEM Day! STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math and focuses on encouraging education in those four areas through fun and innovative methods in order to support a well-rounded U.S. workforce.
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CISA Offers New Resources on National Critical Functions

November 5, 2020
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), which is a federal agency responsible for managing both physical and cyber threats to the country’s physical infrastructure, recently published two new important it
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How Waste Water Treatment Plants Work 

November 4, 2020
As mentioned in previous posts about Critical Infrastructure,  the industry is made up of 16 sectors which a
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Cybersecurity Issues: Zoom hacking of universities and schools

November 3, 2020
Zoom hacking has been a nationwide problem ever since educational institutions shifted to online learning. Cybersecurity experts have been tasked with identifying and resolving these issues to ensure students and staff remain safe.
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