Boost Your Skill Set Through Student Clubs

June 1, 2018
Here at Capitol, we're very proud of all of the clubs and activities that our students participate in. They add fun and vibrancy to the campus experience and enable students explore a variety of interests, whether social, creative, athletic, or technical.
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Space Operations Institute

Unmanned Aircraft Myths

May 29, 2018
With the development of unmanned systems technology comes tremendous potential, especially in the field of aviation.  According to an economic report by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, the largest growth of UAS will be in commercial applications.
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Thank You

Thank You

Thank You

Can We Trust Synthetic Intelligence?

May 7, 2018
Previously, we have discussed synthetic intelligence, agency in synthetic intelligence, and 
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Recruiting Students: Success Tips for Employers

May 1, 2018
As commencement approaches, many graduating students are already well into the job search, hoping to land a position at a top company in their field.
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Commencement is May 12 – event to be live-streamed on YouTube

May 11, 2018
On Saturday (May 12), newly-graduating students of Capitol Technology University will walk across the stage to receive their diplomas, in formal recognition of their hard work and achievements.
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