Privacy as Non-Intrusion

July 13, 2018
For the betterment of our species, Dr. Jason Pittman wants privacy to end. To understand the goal, we first must come to grips with what privacy is.
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Interview: Haden Land

July 17, 2018
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Life Should Be Like Summer Camp!

July 12, 2018
So why can't life be more like summer camps? We're running several camps here at Capitol throughout the summer.
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Unmanned and Autonomous Systems: The Future is Now

July 11, 2018
Ways in which unmanned and autonomous systems (UAS) can deliver benefits to people while reducing human risk.
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What will synthetic intelligence be made of?

July 10, 2018
Dr. Jason M. Pittman discusses the biochemical construction of intelligence, what a non-carbon-based life, and by extension intelligence, may be like and how we could possibly communicate with it.
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Philosophy of Technology Roundtable: Doors of Mediation

July 6, 2018
With an array of new gadgets at our disposal, digital tech has become part of nearly everything we do – from gaming to shopping to videoconferencing at work.
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Drones fill in for Fourth of July fireworks

July 5, 2018
Fireworks are a Fourth of July tradition – and a fun part of many other occasions as well. But in areas hit by drought or dry conditions, they can pose a serious hazard. The good news: watching a swarm of drones can also be an exciting way to cap Independence Day celebrations.
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Bookshelf: Great Cyber Reads to Spark Your Summer!

July 3, 2018
At Capitol Technology University, we know a thing or two about cybersecurity. Capitol was one of the first schools to be designated a National Center of Academic Excellence-Cyber Defense (CAE-CD) in 2003 and has been successfully re-designated two times. 
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Trainer's Tips: Responding to Behavioral Interview Questions

July 2, 2018
I’ve been coaching students through the interview process over the past eight years. During that time, I’ve done a lot of research, spoken to many employers, and heard feedback from students who have been through interviews.
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Philosophy of Technology Roundtable: How Do We Answer the Human Questions Posed by Technology?

June 29, 2018
The wow factor involved with some of today’s emerging technologies is huge. Imagine, for instance, being able to start your car, operate your computer, or adjust the temperature in your home – simply by using your thoughts.
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