Recognizing Achievement: Honor Societies Welcome New Members at Fall Convocation

November 16, 2018

Three honor societies at Capitol Technology University formally admitted new members during a ceremony on campus Thursday (November 15).

Honor society inductee
Upsilon Pi Epsilon member Adekunle Adeyemi explains the society's symbols.

During the fall Honors Convocation, held in the Avrum Gudelsky Memorial Auditorium, students selected for their scholarship, academic achievement, and service to the university received their induction into Alpha Chi, Sigma Beta Delta, or Upsilon Pi Epsilon.

The inductions – rich in the ritual and traditions of the respective societies – were led by Angela Walters, chair of the astronautical engineering program (Alpha Chi); Claude Rankin, chair of business and liberal arts (Sigma Beta Delta); and Dr. Garima Bajwa, assistant professor of electrical engineering (Upsilon Pi Epsilon).

President Bradford L. Sims congratulated the inductees and spoke about the significance of honor society membership.

Career prospects for Capitol students are excellent in general, Sims said, noting the university’s high post-graduation placement rates and its focus on high-demand, technical fields. Being accepted into an honor society, he said, enriches their prospects further.

“As you go through your career here at Capitol, whether you’re doing an internship, serving as an officer for a student club, or joining an honor society, these are wonderful things to add to your resume,” Sims said. “Employers always like to see engagement.”

Closing remarks were delivered by Dr. Nayef Abu-Ageel, academic dean and chair of electrical engineering.

Fall 2018 Honor Society Inductees

Alpha Chi

 James West

Sigma Beta Delta

Sarah Van Horn

Upsilon Pi Epsilon

Malique Barksdale
Gary Butera
Willie Brown
Stephen Foster
Danny Henderson
Bryce Higa
Marissa Jagernath
Nicholas Jones
Robert Leopold
Matthew McGinnis
Jason Noggle
Adam Rolek
Jason Turner