Tech economy drives changes in education

September 13, 2018
By Emma Leonard
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Student satellite mission aces NASA review, readies for launch

September 12, 2018
Photos courtesy of Project Aether
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Synthetic intelligence and the Divine

September 10, 2018
Jason M. Pittman, Sc.D.
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Bookshelf: AI Reads

September 7, 2018
By: Sarah Van Horn
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Privacy as Knowing

September 6, 2018
By Jason M. Pittman, D.Sc.
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Student Spotlight: Summer Intern Ahmed Woodson and Project S.O.L.O.

September 5, 2018
Have you ever dreamed of working with space tech for a living? Capitol summer intern, Ahmed Woodson does.
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Top 5 Entry-Level Analyst Careers

September 4, 2018
In our data driven world, analytics experts are a critical part of any good modern day business. Read more to find out the various analytics career specializations that are most in demand.
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Cyber Analytics – Seeing From the Enemy's Perspective

August 31, 2018
Top-notch cyber analysts investigate their crime scene to prevent other enemies from exploiting vulnerabilities. Find out how you can become a cyber analyst with a degree in Cyber Analytics from Capitol Technology University.
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Alumni Interview: Tien Le

August 30, 2018
Capitol graduates are doing amazing things. I put out a call for interviews out on LinkedIn and spoke to a few of the first respondents. If you are an alumnus and you are interested in being interviewed, please let me (Sarah Alspaw) know by emailing
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Feats of Engineering: The Ocean Clean-Up Machine

August 28, 2018
American author James A. Michener once wrote, “Scientists dream about doing great things. Engineers do them.”
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