How Will Synthetic Intelligence Tell Time?

September 24, 2018
By Jason M. Pittman, Sc.D.
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The Evolution of Mechatronics Engineering

September 21, 2018
Mechatronics: a crossover form of engineering born out of need for engineers with both electrical and mechanical knowledge leading to an amazing array of features in everyday products.
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Construction Management: A Career that Pays

September 20, 2018
Construction management careers are typically leadership positions dealing with large scale construction projects like highways, stadiums, power plants, or hospitals.
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Travel in the internet era: we’re all experts now

September 19, 2018
By Robert Herschbach  
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Why a Cybersecurity Career: it’s not just about hacking, professor says

September 18, 2018
Dr. Mary-Margaret Chantré, a professor of cybersecurity at Capitol Technology University, talks about how young people perceive the cybersecurity field, what aspects capture their imaginations and why more young people are choosing careers in cybersecurity.
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Front-Line Cyber Warriors Train Here

Let's Build a Stronger, Safer World

Unmanned Systems Needs Bright Minds

Privacy - How is it Flawed?

September 17, 2018
  By Jason M. Pittman, Sc. D.
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Melanie Young: What I Love About Capitol

September 14, 2018
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