Capitology Blog

2019 Gudelsky Scholar shares his secret for pushing limits and breaking boundaries

May 8, 2019
Everything is connected. People, homes, cars, planes, banks, cities – you name it. In today’s increasingly digital era, we leave a heavy footprint, one that is equally convenient and susceptible to exploitation.
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Soon-to-be Capitol Alumna, a Star in the Making

May 7, 2019
With a wisdom beyond her years, Sophia LoSchiavo, a graduating astronautical engineering major and 2018 Gudelsky Scholar, is all that Capitol seeks to help cultivate in its students: intelligent, thoughtful, confident, and ready to make
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Resources for women considering a construction management career

May 6, 2019
Almost one-third of women working in construction are employed in management or professional roles. Here are some organizations and conferences women in a construction management career can turn to for advice and mentorship.
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Drones and Construction Safety

April 30, 2019
Unmanned systems are on the rise in every industry, but did you know that they’ve already been quietly taking over for years in the construction industry?
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Threats to Machine Learning

April 29, 2019
By: Jason M. Pittman, Sc.D.
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Alumni spotlight: Herman Felder Jr, Ph.D.

April 24, 2019
Herman Felder, a three-time Capitol Technology graduate and adjunct professor, returned to Capitol to teach because he enjoys, “having a hand in shaping the future ‘me”.
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Aerial Drone Spotter’s Guide

April 23, 2019
Did you know unmanned and autonomous systems are changing the way movies are made, lives are saved and crops are planted?
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Earth Day and Every Day: 10 Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

April 22, 2019
A day celebrating our planet and the environment around us, today, April 22nd, is officially Earth day.
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The Improvised Rocket Car

April 18, 2019
by Sandy Antunes, PhD
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Machine Learning - Data Integrity

April 16, 2019
Our last discussion highlighted a broad issue of adversarial interactions with machine learning algorithms.
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