Capitology Blog

Capitol launches new master of science in aviation cybersecurity, prepares students to protect the nation’s critical infrastructure

June 5, 2019
Capitol launches new master of science in aviation cybersecurity and prepares students to protect the nation’s critical infrastructure. Find out how you can become part of this exciting, high-demand career field.
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Alumni spotlight: Marcel Mabson

June 3, 2019
Marcel knew he wanted to work for NASA since he was seven years old. Today, as a software test engineer at the Hammers Company, that dream has come true.
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What’s the job outlook for mechatronics engineers?

May 28, 2019
A bachelor’s degree in mechatronics engineering prepares you with the necessary skills which open a wide range of career paths.
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Safe & Sound: The Mechanics Behind Occupational Health and Safety

May 23, 2019
By: Dr. Ian McAndrew, FRAeS
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Life & The Arlington Memorial Bridge Carry On

May 22, 2019
Take a virtual ride on the Arlington Memorial Bridge, learn why this infrastructure is critical to life as we know it.
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“Modern Infrastructure Needs a Modern Bodyguard” Podcast

May 21, 2019
By 2020, researchers predict there will be nearly 200 billion connected devices. Computers, smart phones, tablets, vehicle navigation systems, appliances, security systems – the list goes on and on.
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Alumni spotlight: Hector Santiago, DSc

May 20, 2019
Considering a career in cybersecurity? Hector Santiago, DSc, currently employed by the Department of Homeland Security, shares insights about the field.
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Challenge Authority (an ode to graduation)

May 16, 2019
by Sandy Antunes, PhD
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Construction Firms Preparing Large Bids Face Cyber Attack Risk

May 14, 2019
In today’s digital world, every industry needs cybersecurity.
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Robots, machine learning and 3D printing: This is not your grandfather’s construction site

May 13, 2019
Wonder what construction sites will be like 30 years from now? Robots, 3D printing, machine learning and more automation and technology are bringing huge changes to the construction industry.
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