Capitology Blog

Recognizing Information Tech Staff on IT Professionals Day

September 21, 2021
September 21st marks 2021’s National Information Technology (IT) Professionals Day, a day in honor of those dedicated to solving our slew of modern technological problems.
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Defining Terrorism and How it Can Help With Counterterrorism Strategies

September 16, 2021
Over the years, the perception of what and who a terrorist is has evolved, as experts aim to find the most accurate definition. This challenge of defining terrorism is one that experts in counterterrorism face everyday.
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Capitol Tech Honors Hispanic Heritage Month

September 15, 2021
September 15th through October 15th of 2021 brings us this year’s Hispanic Heritage Month, a time to celebrate those with Spanish, Mexican, Caribbean, Central American, and South American heritage. In honor of the holiday, this edition of the Capitology blog will highlight a few individuals with Hispanic heritage that have made invaluable advancements to STEM fields.
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National Coding Week Starts Today

September 14, 2021
September 14th through the 20th is National Coding Week, a time for everyone to familiarize  with coding by becoming more digitally literate through classes and engagement. With the world of today growing more and more reliant on technology, it’s important for us all to become familiar with the basics of what makes our systems run.
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Celebrating National Video Game Day

September 12, 2021
Whether you celebrate National Video Game Day on July 8 or today, September 12 (or both!)1,2, Capitol Technology University is celebrating video games and players everyday by pressing play on the new Esports department.
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Reimagining Dining Experiences and Restaurant Design 

September 9, 2021
COVID-19 has had a massive impact on the restaurant industry. For a large portion of 2020, many restaurants had to temporarily close or turn to offering take out only to maintain some business. Even now as restaurants in most states are open at capacity, the Delta variant has led to people once again being unwilling to eat out. 
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Dr. Joshua Sinai Discusses Latest Book Review in 'The Washington Times'

September 8, 2021
Recently, Dr. Joshua Sinai, professor of practice in Counterterrorism at Capitol, had a book review published in The Washington Times newspaper, titled, "Evaluating Afghanistan, a review of ‘Counterinsurgency: Theory and Reality." Dr.
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Space Force's Next-Gen OPIR Missile Detection Program Pass Design Review

September 7, 2021
Space technology may not be at the forefront of your mind when thinking about homeland security, but it is for the U.S. Space Force, which recently cleared a major hurdle in the creation and implementation of its next missile detection system.
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Improved lighting can reduce worker fatigue and accidents

September 3, 2021
The importance of lighting for worker safety and productivity is often overlooked but cannot be overstated. A recent report shared some simple lighting changes that can significantly improve efficiency and reduce factory accidents.
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September is National Building and Code Staff Appreciation Day

September 1, 2021
Each year, the construction and critical infrastructure industries celebrate National Building and Code Staff Appreciation Day on September 1 to recognize the important work these staff do to keep people safe.
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