Virtual Volunteer Opportunities – A Safe Way to Give Back
February 4, 2022Looking for a fun, virtual way to volunteer? Try SciStarter, a globally acclaimed community of citizen scientists affiliated with the State Universities of North Carolina and Arizona, and grant-supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Notable partnerships and project sponsorships include NASA, Discover Magazine, National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), and Girl Scouts of America (GSUSA).
SciStarter is an interactive site that allows community members to participate in volunteer opportunities that may otherwise be inaccessible to them due to location, time, COVID restrictions, and other factors. What is great about citizen science is that anyone who is interested can participate and contribute to high-quality data-driven results – whether you are a beginner, professional, or just generally interested in the field. The diversity of participants adds a greater perspective and farther reach for data collection, creating well-rounded research that can be used by a team of professionals. Participation also benefits the volunteer, offering educational experiences, networking opportunities, and ways to get involved in the betterment of your community.
SciStarter has something for everyone – pick an interest through the “Project Finder” tab and sign up to help contribute to important research in that field. There are opportunities related to every degree program offered at Capitol Tech – cybersecurity, astronomy, computer science, construction – you name it, they got it! And most projects can be completed right from your home or neighborhood.
One notable project for cybersecurity fans is the NOVA Cybersecurity Lab. This project is sponsored by the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) NOVA Science Series and Lockheed Martin. To conduct research for this project, you will play a series of fun, interactive games to help defend a company against cyberattacks. Crack passwords, determine risks, prioritize assets, decode programs, and compete in cyber battles for this project. Your participation will help inform research and education solutions for future cyber efforts, while you gain an understanding of basic cyber threat scenarios.
Another project, aimed towards astronautical engineer volunteers, is NASA’s Exoplanet Research Workshop. This project is meant for college students who want to help observe transiting planets that lay outside of our solar system. By volunteering, participants will help with the predication accuracy of transit events with large telescopes, like Hubble and the new James Webb Space Telescope, and even potentially discover new exoplanets using transiting timing variations to infer their existence. Many Capitol Tech graduates have contributed to missions like the Webb Telescope launch, and Capitol Tech is also breaking ground with a new ALPHA Observatory, so volunteering with these types of projects can help further develop your skillset in the classroom and in the field.
Volunteer opportunities like these can help you gain experience, network with peers, and add depth to your resume. Consider volunteering today!
For more information on building your resume and enhancing your career through volunteer or job opportunities, contact Capitol Tech Career Services.
Written by Erica Decker