Capitology Blog

Recent Breakthroughs in Quantum AI

November 18, 2021
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technological breakthrough that has changed the way we live our daily lives. It has brought us technology we often take for granted—such as smart home devices—to tackling large world problems like climate change. Like many technologies, however, classical AI techniques are reaching their limits in terms of computing power. In the never-ending search for bigger, better, faster—enter Quantum AI.
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Resumes: Tips for Making the Best First Impression

November 18, 2021
The old adage "You never get a second chance to make a good first impression," puts a lot of pressure on your first interaction with a person you want to impress. Luckily for those seeking a new job, you have plenty of time to prepare, cull, and review your first impression—your resume.
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Continued Fallout from SolarWinds Attack

November 15, 2021
In December 2020, multiple United States Federal agencies were successfully breached by hackers that have been linked to Russia. Among those departments hacked were the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Agriculture. The attack then spread to a number of corporations, greatly impacting business across the country.
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Military Technological Innovations

November 12, 2021
The United States military has been responsible for a number of technological innovations. Many of these are integrated into our day-to-day lives and yet we have no idea that they originated in defense of our country. The list below highlights some of these innovations.
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November is Aviation History Month

November 10, 2021
November marks Aviation History Month, a holiday mainly celebrated in America that is dedicated to learning about the history of aircrafts. The celebratory month began as a single day, when President Franklin D.
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Technological Innovations by Native American Inventors

November 8, 2021
The month of November is dedicated to Native American Heritage, a 30-day holiday all about celebrating and honoring the contributions of Native Americans. As our own celebration of Native American Heritage Month, we at Capitol Tech would like to spread awareness of the many technological innovations created by Native Americans innovators.
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Entrepreneurs to Watch During National Entrepreneurship Month

November 1, 2021
During November we have a lot to celebrate! Not only is this month dedicated to honoring Native American Heritage and Aviation History, but Capitol Technology University is also celebrating National Entrepreneurship Month. Entrepreneurship, defined as the ability to create a profitable business from an original idea, is near and dear to Capitol Tech.
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National Internet Day

October 29, 2021
Mark your calendars on October 29th for this year’s National Internet Day, a time to celebrate the world wide web and the vital role it plays in the modern-day age of humanity.
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Master of Research (M.Res.) in Cyberpsychology: Interview with Dr.Mary Aiken

October 22, 2021
Doctor Mary Aiken is a Professor and Chairwoman of the Department of Cyberpsychology at Capitol Technology University. Her work as a Cyberpsychologist inspired the CBS primetime show CSI: Cyber, and she is currently appearing in the new HBOMax documentary “15 Minutes of Shame,” which explores cyberpsychological aspects of online trolling and cancel culture
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Understanding and Protecting Yourself from “Phishing” Attacks

October 21, 2021
As part of our continuing observance of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we thought it was crucial for our students, staff, and faculty to understand the concept of phishing and ways to defend against phishing attacks.
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