It’s science, not magic: Capitol researchers harness brainpower to control devices

March 16, 2018
Being able to use your thoughts – no mouse or joystick required – to control computerized devices may once have sounded like sci-fi fantasy, but a research team at Capitol is working on projects that demonstrate such capabilities are ver
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What do All Those Acronyms Mean?! Understanding Unmanned Systems

December 31, 1969
UAVs, ROVs, UUSs, RPAs: How do unmanned systems experts keep it all straight?
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Easttom: in cyber war, malware is “the weapon of choice”

March 15, 2018
Prior to beginning his doctoral degree at Capitol, consultant and IT professional Chuck Easttom had already made significant contributions to the fields of cybersecurity and computer science.
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The Five Key Types of Big Data Analytics Every Business Analyst Should Know

March 14, 2018
The word “analytics” is trending these days. More and more businesses are looking for employees with data analytics know-how and experience to help them sort through all of their collective data, or big data. And that makes sense.
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What is Synthetic Intelligence?

March 13, 2018
The popularity of artificial intelligence has grown to epic proportions. In recent years, we have witnessed the rise of advanced consumer-focused AI through products such as Alexa, Siri, and Telsa autopilot. Businesses, too, have embraced AI.
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Creative Juices club to highlight Capitol artists with April event

January 1, 1970
Capitol Technology University may be a STEM-focused school, but that doesn’t mean artistic talent is in short supply.
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The future is here: learn about brain-machine interfaces at Capitol workshop

March 12, 2018
Imagine being able to operate your computer without needing a mouse or a keyboard, by controlling it directly with your brain.
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For transitioning military: launch a career as an Amazon Web Services Cloud Support Associate through a free training program!

December 31, 1969
For soldiers transitioning into civilian life, charting the next phase of their careers can be a daunting challenge.
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Following the Network Event Trail: Defeating Cyber Attacks Through Analytics

February 28, 2018
With cyberattacks increasing in volume and sophistication, interest in the use of cyber analytics tools in order to predict future breaches and attacks is on the rise.
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Dr. Mary-Margaret Chantré: cyber warrior and Capitol professor

December 31, 1969
A native of New Jersey, Dr. Mary-Margaret Chantré majored in English during college before embarking on a 22-year career in the military, retiring in 2017 with the rank of Major.
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