Trainer's Tips: Mentor-Driven Momentum

April 9, 2018
Mentors are here to guide you and encourage you. They can help you avoid mistakes, help give you clarity, help you brainstorm new ideas, and help you be the best you can be.
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Capitol Partners with Industry Leader Textron Systems for New Unmanned Systems Programs

April 6, 2018
This coming fall, Capitol is set to launch two new unmanned systems programs: an undergraduate program in Unmanned and Autonomous Systems, and a mas
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How to Become a Cyber Analyst in An Industry on the Rise

April 6, 2018
With growing interest in the use of new tools and approaches to close off vulnerabilities in the multitude of IP-enabled devices Americans use at home and at work, now is an ideal time to gain the skills needed to become a qualified
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Are Robots Taking Our Jobs? Our Future with Unmanned Systems

April 6, 2018
They’re invading the sky, the land, the sea! Unmanned systems are being used in more and more industries to do jobs too dangerous, dirty, tedious, or even impossible for people to do.
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Gaming linked to cybersecurity success, report finds

April 6, 2018
If you’re an avid gamer, you’ve probably heard the lecture before: What are you doing with your life? You're wasting your time playing computer games when you could be studying or making career plans.
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Will Synthetic Intelligence Have Agency?

April 6, 2018
Previously, we discussed synthetic intelligence as a serious field of inquiry and, separately, what constitutes intelligence.
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Hamming Around at Capitol

April 6, 2018
One student separates from the group to walk around the hill, causing the others yell out.  "Did you lose signal?"  The answer is yes, so they quickly rejoin.  "It has to be on the north side of Campus", they agree, and begin walking wit
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Capitol again earns recognition as military-friendly

December 31, 1969
The annual Military-Friendly Schools list is out, and Capitol Technology University is again on the list.
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Privacy: The Beginning of the End

December 31, 1969
Jason M. Pittman, Sc.D.March 30th, 2018
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