News & Events

AE: Capitol Makes a Smart Career Choice Even Stronger

With employer demand continuing to outpace the number of qualified candidates, Astronautical Engineering is a field that delivers robust job prospects.   Even more appealing to employers are candidates who c

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Career Fair brings together students, alums, employers

Capitol College's annual Career Fair is coming up!

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Capitol College Mourns Michael Gibbs

It is with profound sadness that the Capitol College community announces the loss of Dr. Michael G. Gibbs, who died from valley fever on Tuesday (December 10th).   Dr.

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Engineers Week: Students Take the Lead

From bridges and roads to circuits and motors, the world we live in is largely the product of engineering.

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Project Hermes: New horizons in satellite communications

Suppose it were possible for a seismologist to open a mobile phone app and command a satellite to take pictures of an earthquake in progress many miles away.

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Donna Dodson to deliver commencement address at Capitol College

NOTE: A live feed will be available for remote viewing of the commencement ceremony at Capitol. Click here for access.You will need speakers and headphone

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Scholarship deadlines are approaching -- hurry and apply!

Every student who plans to attend an institution of higher education should search for and apply for scholarships.

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Kaspersky Lab expert shares experiences, knowhow

As a teen, Sergey Golovanov found excitement and adventure in World of Warcraft and other online realms. And like many an enterprising gamer, he wondered if they could be hacked.

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Capitol Students Have the Edge in Circuit-Building Contest

Capitol’s practical, hands-on approach to training has long distinguished the college’s programs from those of competitors.

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Foster: Social media security threat “will get worse”

Capitol College alumnus James C. Foster has built his career around keeping ahead of cybersecurity threats.

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