News & Events

Capitol Tech. Named to List of Best Online Colleges in Maryland for 2020

Capitol Technology University was recently named one of the top nine online degree-granting institutions in Maryland for 2020 by ValueColleges, an online company that provides rankings on higher education institutions across the United States through unbiased research.

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Capitol Tech Celebrates the Centennial Anniversary of SAME

The Society of American Military Engineers (SAME), a partner of Capitol Technology University since 2018, is celebrating 100 years of initiating collaborative efforts to decrease infrastructure-related national security risks. Since 1920, SAME has worked to foster relationships between professionals in multiple sectors of national security including engineers, cybersecurity experts, and private and public organizations.

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President, Dr. Bradford L Sims, attended MCPA's 3rd Annual Advisors Dinner

President, Dr. Bradford L Sims, attended the 3rd Annual Advisors Dinner for the Military Cyber Professionals Association (MCPA) as a member of the Board of Advisors.

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Prof. Butler visiting the Computer Science Faculty of AAB College in Kosovo

Prof. William Butler is paying a working visit to the Computer Science faculty of AAB College in Kosovo

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Four of Capitol Tech's female students attended Technica

On Saturday November 9th, four of Capitol Technology University’s females attended an all-female and non-binary hackathon known as Technica.

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Taking home 3rd in Parson’s Capture the Flag event

On Friday November 8th, 13 students from Capitol Technology University’s cyber department traveled to Parson to participate in Parson’s Capture the Flag (CTF) event.

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Dr. Butler Spoke at Goddard Space Flight Center CYBERSECURITY EXPO

To close out Capitol's NCSAM activities,  Dr. Butler spoke about “Securing Your Wifi in an Unsecure World” at Goddard Space Flight Center CYBERSECURITY EXPO held Thursday, October 24, 2019.

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5th Annual AOC STEM Outreach Program

Professor Vijay Kowtha and Capitol Tech IEEE members participate with robot demonstration at the 5th annual Association of Old Crows (AOC)   STEM Outreach Program at DC Convention Center October 28th.  AOC is an organization for individu

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Minority Innovation Weekend - #HackingInnovation

On Saturday 12 October Dr. Bill Butler (Chair of Cybersecurity) was the first speaker in the cybersecurity track for the Minority Innovation Weekend - #HackingInnovation event held at the University of Baltimore, MD.

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Signal-9 Success!

On Friday, October 4th, a group of four students from Capitol Technology University attended a Capture The Flag event that Parsons hosts once a month. Signal-9 members look to the scoreboard and see that they placed first!

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