Capitology Blog

Why a Cybersecurity Career: it’s not just about hacking, professor says

September 18, 2018
Dr. Mary-Margaret Chantré, a professor of cybersecurity at Capitol Technology University, talks about how young people perceive the cybersecurity field, what aspects capture their imaginations and why more young people are choosing careers in cybersecurity.
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Privacy - How is it Flawed?

September 17, 2018
  By Jason M. Pittman, Sc. D.
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Melanie Young: What I Love About Capitol

September 14, 2018
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Tech economy drives changes in education

September 13, 2018
By Emma Leonard
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Student satellite mission aces NASA review, readies for launch

September 12, 2018
Photos courtesy of Project Aether
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Synthetic intelligence and the Divine

September 10, 2018
Jason M. Pittman, Sc.D.
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Bookshelf: AI Reads

September 7, 2018
By: Sarah Van Horn
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Privacy as Knowing

September 6, 2018
By Jason M. Pittman, D.Sc.
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Student Spotlight: Summer Intern Ahmed Woodson and Project S.O.L.O.

September 5, 2018
Have you ever dreamed of working with space tech for a living? Capitol summer intern, Ahmed Woodson does.
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Top 5 Entry-Level Analyst Careers

September 4, 2018
In our data driven world, analytics experts are a critical part of any good modern day business. Read more to find out the various analytics career specializations that are most in demand.
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