Capitology Blog

Innovative cybersecurity companies that are changing the field

January 27, 2020
As new cybersecurity threats appear daily, the need for new ideas to manage those threats is driving rapid innovation within the field. Here are three cybersecurity companies providing innovative solutions to protect users.
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Student Voice: My Experience with Capitol's Autonomous Ground Systems Course (AE350) and the S.F.O.T.C.

January 24, 2020
Sarah Sharpe, a senior Astronautical Engineering major, wrote the following reflection on her experience in the Autonomous Ground Systems course (AE350) offered through in Capitol's prestigious on-campus Space Flight Operations Training Center (SFOTC).
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Capitol Opens its Doors for Undergraduate Open House Saturday, January 25th

January 23, 2020
STEM careers are in hot demand as the age of technology rapidly advances, meaning many high school students are looking to these fields as majors in college. While it is well-known that job seekers with STEM backgrounds make more money on average than their non-STEM counterparts, many may not know that 97% of people employed in STEM have at least some college experience with over half of these working adults processing a bachelor’s degree or higher1. You need to set yourself apart from that 97% and Capitol Technology University knows how to help.
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Alumni Voice: Doctor of Science Degree "opened many new opportunities"

January 22, 2020
“The world is full of information technology-related technical puzzles that need solving and I derive great pleasure from finding solutions to those problems,” says Dr. Steven Wood who is able to solve such puzzles daily through his career as a digital forensic expert on an international level.
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Three podcasts for mechatronics engineers

January 21, 2020
With an estimated 800,000 podcast options out there, you can find podcasts on just about every topic. Here are our three picks for podcasts covering exciting topics in mechatronics engineering.
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Capitol Tech Offers a Year-to-Year Undergraduate Placement Rate Over 80% in a STEM Field

January 17, 2020
Since its start more than 90 years ago, Capitol Technology University has remained true to its mission – preparing students for careers in a quickly changing world. With a tradition of academic excellence and practical learning, Capitol Technology University has equipped its alumni with the knowledge and skills to evolve with the advanced sophistication of technology.
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Capitol Technology University Awarded the Title of “Best Master’s Program”

January 16, 2020
Capitol Technology University was awarded the title of “Best Master’s Program” by, a website that collects and researches resources for students.
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Cloud and mobile technology in construction management

January 16, 2020
While many people are familiar with cloud-based storage for personal use, mobile and cloud-based technologies have impacted the construction industry. Here are the benefits of using cloud and mobile technologies in construction.
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Space Flight Operations Training Center (SFOTC): Frequently Asked Questions

January 14, 2020
Capitol host numerous open houses throughout the year, the next open house is scheduled for January 25, 2020 at 9:30 am. Open houses provide prospective students and parents with the opportunity to visit University labs, dorms, meet professors and interact with current students and alumni.
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The Secret Works of Students

December 31, 2019
Ever wonder what students actually do as engineers while in college?  When a Capitol senior graduates, they leave with more than a GPA and a bunch of course finals under their belt-- they also do 'real work'.  In Senior Capstone, students choose, design, and build a project according to (a) their interests and (b) something hard enough to be valid.
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