Capitology Blog

Green building and construction management

March 23, 2020
Due to the inherent environmental impacts of the construction industry, construction managers must look to green building solutions, which not only benefit the environment but have cost benefits as well.
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The Nation's "Best Cybersecurity Program" Will Help You to Become the Best

March 20, 2020
The news covers it weekly, you use it daily, and businesses monitor it by the minute. It’s difficult to remain unaware that the cybersecurity industry needs highly skilled personnel when it is used so often and so ubiquitously across industries. Despite the need, not just anyone can become a cybersecurity expert – especially not overnight or after attending a short course.  
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Ada Lovelace: The Mother of Computer Programming

March 19, 2020
This profile on Ada Lovelace is the eighth post in a month-long series of profiles about female STEM innovators in honor of Women’s History Month. Check back each weekday to read a new profile. 
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Dr. Persis Drell: A Life-long Education and Contributor to the Field of Physics

March 18, 2020
This profile on Dr. Persis S. Drell is the seventh post in a month-long series of profiles about female STEM innovators in honor of Women’s History Month. Check back each weekday to read a new profile. 
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Dr. Gloria Hewitt: One of the First African-American Woman to Receive a PhD in Mathematics

March 17, 2020
This profile on Dr. Gloria Hewitt is the sixth post in a month-long series of profiles about female STEM innovators in honor of Women’s History Month. Check back each weekday to read a new profile. 
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Latest in data privacy protection legislation

March 16, 2020
The first major piece of legislation passed in California this year that protects consumer data privacy. Though the law was only passed in one state it has had sweeping impacts across the country – and beyond.
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Satellite hacking – how to keep your satellite data secure

March 12, 2020
While more difficult than traditional hacking, the threat of satellite hacking is real. With approximately 2,000 communications satellites in orbit, the National Security Agency is working on how to keep your satellite data secure.
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Hedy Lamarr: Star of the Silver Screen and Inventor of a WWII Changing Communications Device

March 12, 2020
This profile on Hedy Lamarr is the fifth post in a month-long series of profiles about female STEM innovators in honor of Women’s History Month. Check back each weekday to read a new profile.
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A Doctoral Student's Journey through the National Award Winning Cybersecurity Program

March 10, 2020
After Capitol Technology University was announced as the national winner of the prestigious SC Media Award for Best Cybersecurity Higher Education Program on February 25, the university sought students' opinions on why Capitol's cybersecurity program was declared the "best."
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Amanda Finnerty: Director of Internal Operations for Commodore Builders

March 5, 2020
This profile on Amanda Finnerty is the third post in a month-long series of profiles about female STEM innovators in honor of Women’s History Month. This profile also celebrates Women in Construction week by focusing on Finnerty, Director of Internal Operations for Commodore Builders, a $350M construction management firm. Check back each weekday to read a new profile.
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