Capitology Blog

AI at War: The Next Revolution for Military and Defense

August 4, 2023
Artificial Intelligence has emerged as a game-changing technology with significant potential to enhance nearly all aspects of modern life. Much of the initial focus has been its potential impact on private sector industries like law, programming, and journalism. But perhaps its most significant impacts will be found in war and defense. The geopolitical landscape will likely shift dramatically depending on which nations harness the full power of AI and how they use it.
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Navigating the Product Management Landscape: Tech Startups vs. Large Enterprises

August 2, 2023
Product managers in tech all speak the same language. However, company size can vary widely, and so the differences between product management in tech startups versus product management in large enterprises are numerous.
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The National Cybersecurity Strategy: Securing America's Digital Future

July 28, 2023
This March, the Biden-Harris Administration released the National Cybersecurity Strategy, which establishes the vision for the U.S.’ public and private cyber defense strategies. The strategy presents a vision aimed at better protecting our critical infrastructure from cyberthreats and “ensuring a safe and secure digital ecosystem for all Americans.” 
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Evolutions in the Field: STEM Jobs of the Future Have Arrived

July 26, 2023
STEM, by nature, is one of the most rapidly evolving fields, meaning STEM jobs of the future are now emerging. The best STEM careers for the future will allow new members of the workforce to find exciting and gainful employment.
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The Future of Quantum Computing Careers in the DC Area

July 21, 2023
Imagine reading hundreds of books simultaneously rather than one at a time, page by page. Now, imagine a computer performing countless calculations and tasks simultaneously rather than sequentially. This concept of having multiple possibilities happening all at once is the foundation of quantum mechanics, and those same principles are driving revolutionary technology in the emerging field of quantum computing.   Here’s a look at what quantum computing is, what types of careers are available in the Washington, D.C., area, and the skills needed to succeed in the field. 
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The Slack Hack: How Cybersecurity Professionals Are Striving to Keep Sensitive Workplace Tools and Third-Party Apps from Being Exploited

July 19, 2023
With the rise of remote work and productivity technology, cyber vulnerabilities have become more worrisome. The cybersecurity risks of third-party applications alone has cyber professionals working to better secure the workplace.
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Launching Your Project Management Career in the U.S. Construction Industry With a Degree in Construction Management

July 19, 2023
The U.S. construction industry is booming, and it presents an excellent career choice for those who are ready to seize opportunities. With a constant influx of new projects and a growing demand for skilled professionals, it's an industry that promises not only job security but also substantial career progression. One of the best ways to jumpstart a career in this sector is to earn a Bachelor of Science Degree in Construction Management, particularly from reputable institutions like Capitol Technology University. 
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The Role of Bees in STEM Innovation

July 14, 2023
Observed uncritically, bees may be thought to fly erratically and without direction – that they are randomly experiencing the world rather than intentionally navigating it. However, for more than a century, scientists have observed that honeybees exhibit specific flight patterns known as "waggle dances" and "round dances" to communicate and navigate their surroundings. These dance patterns help bees convey important information about the quality, distance, and direction of food sources, enabling other bees in the colony to locate and exploit those resources.
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Double-Edged Sword: How Generative AI Is Being Used to Create and Protect against Cyberattacks

July 6, 2023
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT and Dall-E have transformed technology and revolutionized how we interact with the world. They've made it easier to gather and understand information, disrupted creative fields like art and music, and expanded the potential for implementing large-scale solutions. 
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Artificial Intelligence in Wildfire Prevention

June 30, 2023
Wildfires and forest fires are an unfortunate reality in our everyday lives.
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