Capitology Blog

Cyber Scholarship Program: Don't Miss This Prestigious Opportunity for Students

October 23, 2023
Picture this: a full scholarship package enabling you to complete your cybersecurity education without being hampered by financial burdens. In addition, a generous stipend covers room and board.
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Zero Day Vulnerabilities and What They Mean

October 20, 2023
For cybersecurity professionals, staying a step ahead of attackers is a significant challenge. One of the most powerful tools in cybercriminals’ arsenal is exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities, which are concealed from the very developers who create and are responsible for defending against them. When these vulnerabilities are exploited by attackers, user data, company secrets, and government intelligence can be placed at significant risk.
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Cybersecurity Terms 101

October 16, 2023
Cybersecurity is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. New attacks and attack methods are increasing at a rapid pace, putting sensitive information and systems at risk for both individuals and organizations.
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How to Think Like a Cyberpsychologist

October 13, 2023
Understanding the intricacies of human behavior in the online world has become essential for today’s businesses. From how people communicate and consume content online to how cyber criminals plan their attacks, businesses need to adopt a holistic approach to better understand their users, competitors, and employees. 
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SpaceX is Going to Mars: Polaris Dawn Mission Now Targeting 2024

October 11, 2023
Interplanetary travel and the expansion of the space industry, particularly commercial trips to Mars, have long been rumored, but not yet achieved. SpaceX has plans to change this, but when is SpaceX going to Mars exactly?
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Shining a Light on the Dark Web

October 9, 2023
The "dark web" is a term that has captured the public's imagination for years.
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Navigating Cyber Risks: A Closer Look at Assessment Methods

October 6, 2023
Data and technology reign supreme in our digitally interconnected world.
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What’s New in STEM: Current Trends in STEM Fields

October 4, 2023
Current trends in STEM fields aren’t just driving technological advancement. They’re shaping the way we interact with the world around us. Here’s what’s new in STEM, from AI to renewable energy to space exploration and beyond.
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The Sky's the Limit: Why We Need Pilots Today and Why Capitol Technology University Is the Launchpad for Your Dream Flight

October 4, 2023
The world has never been as interconnected as it is today. The rapid growth of the aviation industry in the past decade has bridged continents and made travel a common occurrence for many.
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NSA's New AI Security Center Aims to Protect AI from Foreign Threats

October 3, 2023
The National Security Agency (NSA) recently announced the establishment of its new AI Security Center, a groundbreaking initiative desi
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