T-Mobile’s Latest Major Data Breach Impacts over 50 Million Americans 

August 24, 2021
For the fifth time in the past three years1, T-Mobile suffered a data breach by hackers. On August 17, 2021, a hacker broke into the 5G wireless provider’s systems and stole personal information of over 50 million people including social security numbers, names, birth dates, driver’s license information, and International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) and International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) numbers which are unique phone identifiers that could be used to track locations and other invasive phone-based actions.
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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Industrial Hygiene

National Aviation Day

August 19, 2021
August 19 is National Aviation Day! To celebrate this day Capitology Blog is highlighting some of the latest innovations in the aviation industry. For more on the history of National Aviation Day, visit Encyclopedia Britannica.
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The Hidden Health Tech Crisis

August 18, 2021
Technology has been adopted in every facet of our lives – from how we safeguard our homes to how we safeguard our lives. At the latter end of that spectrum, the connectivity of healthcare is helping to make it easier to stay on top of our health, connect with our care providers, and receive the best care possible in an emergency. But with that reliance on technology comes risk.
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The innovative technological advancements shaping critical infrastructure construction

August 16, 2021
Innovation in construction is booming with tons of new technological advancements in critical infrastructure, including sonar and recycling technology that can improve worker and environmental safety in transportation construction.
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security expert at computer screens

National Security Scholars Program to Visit Capitol

Focusing on the needs of the intelligence and defense industry in Maryland, the Maryland Independent Colleges and Universities Associations (MICUA) I-Fund’s National Security Scholars Program (NSSP) allows students to gain first-hand ind

The Ongoing Ransomware Crisis: A Cyber Expert's Perspective

August 5, 2021
In mid-May 2021, the CEO of Colonial Pipeline, a major gas pipeline that services much of the Eastern Coast of the U.S., admitted that his company paid hackers an estimated $4.5 million in ransom in return for releasing their compute
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Master of Research (MRes) in Sustainability

New AI systems create false information to mislead adversaries and prevent intellectual property theft

July 29, 2021
A new and improved cybersecurity tool, developed by Dartmouth researchers, will mislead hackers trying to steal trade secrets by preventing intellectual property theft with AI, machine learning and natural language processing.
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