Steven Noonan

Alumni Profile: Steven Noonan

“Communication is foundational to the human experience,” says Capitol electrical engineering graduate Steven Noonan, who has spent a good part his career designing, implementing, and managing systems that help people communicate.

Free Opportunity to Take Cybersecurity Course Offered by CSFI!

December 31, 1969
Free slots are available to Capitol students, faculty and staff members for a “must-have” cybersecurity training program being offered by the Cybersecurity Forum Initiative (CSFI) via Global Knowledge, an education services provider.
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Preparing Professionals in Cybersecurity

January 7, 2015
As industry and government alike present the case for the need for skilled workers in the cybersecurity area, a two-fold question which arises is, “What types of skills, and how many workers do we need?”.
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The Digital Dichotomy

December 31, 1969
By Rosalie Evans, Professor, Capitol Technology  University
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Allen Exner

Alumni Profile: Allen Exner

If you want to know what the legends of rock and pop music are like in person, catch Allen Exner in a spare moment and he’ll give you the scoop.

Capitol recruiting at ISC East Security Show - NYC Javits Center

December 31, 1969
By Xavier A. Richards, Director of Graduate Recruitment
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Free Webinar: “Cybersecurity is Everyone’s Concern”

December 31, 1969
Cybersecurity is no longer a concern only for specialists; as digital networks become increasingly integrated into our lives, it has relevance for anyone who logs on to a computer or uses a mobile phone.
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Office of Career Services -- Trainer's Tips

December 1, 2014
I like to think of myself as the Haymitch to your Katniss, the Mickey to your Rocky Balboa, the Tardis to your Time Lord, the Alfred to your Batman, the Splinter to your Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  My job is to give you the tools to g
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