Navigating finals week: Capitol professors weigh in

December 31, 1969
Finals week is a time that, for many students, brings a sense of trepidation.
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On Giving Tuesday, an opportunity to give back

December 31, 1969
The days after Thanksgiving are a frenzy of sales and promotions, but they are also a time for giving – and an event established three years ago aims to focus attention on that.
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Trainers' Tips #9 -- Résumé reviews for Career Fair

December 31, 1969
Save the date! The Career Fair is on February 12th, 2016 in the McGowan building from 10am-1pm. This event is required for all students hoping to qualify for the job guarantee.
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Amie Seisay

Alumni Profile: Amie Seisay '10

It was during a round of job interviews that Amie Seisay began to consider the possibility of starting her own company.

A Veterans Day letter from Brig. Gen. Earl Simms

December 31, 1969
November 11, 2015Dear Active Duty Personnel and Veterans,
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Faculty Profile: Eric Sabbah, PhD

December 31, 1969
Not many small children would willingly forego birthday parties, but that’s exactly what Eric Sabbah did in exchange for his first computer.
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The Economist lauds Capitol as "delivering top-decile salaries"

December 31, 1969
Capitol Technology University has been singled out by The Economist as an exa
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Trainers' Tips 8: Reflecting Capitol's name change on your resume

December 31, 1969
Superhero names often allude to the type of power that hero holds. Spiderman shoots webs and can climb walls and Aquaman utilizes marine life to accomplish his tasks.
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Open House introduces Capitol to prospective students

December 31, 1969
You've heard the horror stories, These days, it's not uncommon for college graduates to find themselves struggling in the job market.
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Capitol community celebrates scholarship recipients, thanks donors

October 22, 2015
Celebrating the achievements of scholarship recipients and honoring the generosity of the benefactors who make such support possible, Capitol Technology University held its annual Scholarship Appreciation Breakfast on Wednesday (October
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