Fusion Lab: Collaborative, cross-disciplinary education can expand skill sets and open career doors

October 11, 2017
Visit the Fusion Lab at Capitol Technology University on any given day, and you’ll see students soldering circuits or creating form factors with a 3D printer.
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Computer science not just about coding, professor says

October 4, 2017
Planning a career in computer science? It’s not only about learning how to be a coding wizard.
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Cybersecurity Careers: engineers, analysts, penetration testers among most highly sought

October 4, 2017
It’s no secret – if you want a career path with an almost certain guarantee of being hired at a good salary with ample room for growth, cybersecurity is that field.
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Considering a doctoral degree program? Attend a virtual information session!

December 31, 1969
It’s a major milestone in a professional career, demonstrating advanced expertise and credentials: a doctoral degree.
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With new facility, Capitol Technology University offers enhanced satellite op training

September 29, 2017
Learning to command and control and spacecraft requires both knowledge and practice, but being able to obtain hands-on training is often a challenge for students.
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Computer, engineering programs at Capitol a draw for area employers

December 31, 1969
Capitol Technology University’s programs in computer and engineering fields are a big draw for employers in the region, according to representatives of companies and organizations attending the university’s
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Capitol marks National Cyber Security Awareness Month with special events, activities

September 27, 2017
With a recent, high-profile breach potentially impacting 143 million Americans – close to half the population – cybersecurity is already on the front burner as National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM) begins on October 1.
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Broadband for All: Capitol Career Conference Highlights OneWeb Mission

December 31, 1969
Building global internet access is an endeavor that betters the lives of billions, and the global communications firm OneWeb is helping to spearhead the effort.
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Faculty Profile: Dr. Soheil Hosseini, assistant professor of engineering

September 14, 2017
Dr. Soheil Hosseini holds a PhD in electrical engineering from the University of Toledo and has also accumulated extensive experience in the private sector.
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