The Deepfake Dilemma: Balancing Innovation, Security, and Reality

November 17, 2023
As new artificial intelligence technologies fundamentally and rapidly revolutionize the world, deepfakes have emerged as a potent force, blurring the lines between reality and fabrication. These AI-generated multimedia creations seamlessly manipulate images, videos, and audio content to depict individuals engaging in actions or speaking words they never actually did. While deepfakes have garnered attention for their use in entertainment and creative expression, their far-reaching implications and potential for malicious use demand proactive measures to ensure safety and privacy. 
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International Airline Travel Demand on the Rise in Post-Pandemic Times

November 21, 2023
The future of aviation always depends upon the whims of the people and societal shifts amongst flyers. The rising international airline travel demand is one trend that is leading the rebound in the post-pandemic airline industry.
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TikTok and the War on Misinformation

November 13, 2023
In the constantly evolving landscape of social media, TikTok reached 1 billion users in just over five years, making it one of the fastest growing platforms ever. Because of its popularity, however, the platform has seen a deceptive wave of misinformation proliferating across the app that can mislead and confuse users. As major social media platforms and tech giants are facing questions about their role in allowing—and at times facilitating—the spread of misinformation, TikTok’s place in the social media market and popularity with younger users make it a prime target for scrutiny.
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Master of Research (MRes) in Project Management

AI Is Providing Pilots Another Set of Eyes in the Sky

November 10, 2023
Pilots may soon have an extra set of eyes in the sky thanks to an emerging artificial intelligence-based technology. Air-Guardian is an AI copilot developed by researchers in MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory that aims to enhance human precision for safer aviation. Rather than act solely as an emergency backup, it is designed to work as a proactive partner for human pilots, providing real-time assistance and support during critical moments in flight. 
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A Letter to Veterans from Dr. Donovan Wright

This is an occasion in our country when we are reminded of and can reflect on the individual contributions and sacrifices we have made to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against its enemies foreign and domestic. 

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AI’s Role in Career Transformation

November 8, 2023
Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic concept; it's a reality that's already transforming how work is done. As AI technology continues to evolve, it offers seemingly infinite opportunities for growth, enhanced efficiencies, and improved customer experiences—all of which is reshaping various professions across different industries. Here’s a look at a few of the careers that AI is or may soon be revolutionizing. 
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Dr. Darrell Burrell Presenter Portrait

Dr. Darrell Burrell

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Finding Your Scholarly Voice: Using Peer-reviewed Publications to Showcase Your Expertise

Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Najam Hassan

Dr. Najam Hassan is the new Department Chair of Computer and Data Science at Capitol Technology University, bringing his impressive 35 years of experience in the industry to his classroom.

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