Dr. William Butler

Dr. William Butler

Vice President

Cyber Science Outreach and Partnerships Read Bio
Melinda Bunnell-Rhyne

Melinda Bunnell-Rhyne, VP

Vice President for Student Engagement and University Development

Read Bio

Rogue Space Cameras?

May 4, 2018
First, one U.S. company decides to skip FCC licensing and puts up four rogue satellites.
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Your final exam: recover an out-of-control spacecraft!

May 2, 2018
For most students, taking a final exam means poring over a test – solving problems, answering questions, and doing your best to summon forth the knowledge you obtained during the semester.
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Privacy - The Rise in Demand

April 30, 2018
The demand for privacy is at an all-time high. Worldwide, web search traffic suggests that people are more interested in privacy today than they were ten years ago.
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Critical infrastructures expert Marianne Meins to deliver commencement address at Capitol

April 27, 2018
Marianne Meins, vice president for critical infrastructure strategy at Parsons, will address graduating bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral students as Capitol Technology University
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Will the Turing Test Detect Synthetic Intelligence?

April 25, 2018
We know that synthetic intelligence is not artificial intelligence. The latter is an imitation whereas the former is authentic.
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